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Why does the U.S. have immigration laws?


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Why does the U.S. have immigration laws?


April 9, 2013 Posted by Baron Von Ottomatic


Why does the U.S. have immigration laws? I ask not over exasperation that a Senate gang-of-eight is once again considering a blanket amnesty for people who have been living in the U.S. illegally as part of comprehensive immigration reform, but from a purely practical perspective. It stands to reason our immigration laws are there as guidelines to enforce our immigration policy. So at some level we must have an immigration policy, right?


Think of it in the context of admission to an elite university. Every year there are tens of thousands of high school graduates who would benefit greatly from being accepted to Harvard or Yale or M.I.T.. Yet those schools don’t just let anyone who manages to wander onto their campuses attend classes and, after hanging around campus long enough, deem the folks who self-admitted themselves worthy of a diploma. Nay, those institutions have a rigorous screening process through which they identify a select few students who meet their standards for admission.


If those elite institutions were bound by the same principles as our immigration policy then anyone who took it upon themselves to enter onto the campus would be tolerated, sanctuary dormitories established, and their uninvited presence welcomed until such future time when a diploma is bestowed upon them for their plucky indifference to the rules. Scissors-32x32.png

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Personally, if I were King Kenyan Obama some 4,000 years ago I'd build a fence before passing a law.

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Thoughts On The Immigration Proposal


Trust but verify.


By: neoavatara (Diary) | April 11th, 2013 at 06:43 AM | 0

So the Gang of Eight (I prefer Banda de los Ocho myself) is about to release their plan for immigration reform, after months of behind closed door dealing, leaks, intrigue, accusations, and other nonsense.

According to the National Review, these are the key points to the proposal:

1. Modernizing the legal immigration system

There will be a shift away from the current family-based system, and more emphasis on giving visas to high-skilled immigrants, particularly those who have Ph.D.s in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. There will be a new visa created for guest workers, called the W visa, which will be a three-year permit given to low-skilled workers.

2. Securing the border and ending illegal immigration.

If the legislation passes,Scissors-32x32.png

The law calls for deportation of all illegals who have arrived less than two years before the bill is passed, and any coming in the future. Do we really trust Barack Obama to deport these people? Along with their children? How likely is that? Scissors-32x32.png


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