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Why Do Some Liberals Become Conservatives?


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These days it may seem as though the entire nation is moving ever leftward. But on the personal level it’s actually much more usual for political change to go in the opposite direction: from left to right.

It’s not that uncommon an event, either — in fact, there’s a whole literature of political memoir written by left-to-right changers (such as David Horowitz and Norman Podhoretz, to name just two).


One changer closer to home is founder and former CEO of PJ Media Roger L. Simon, who talked about his own story in a recent speech in which he admitted that, despite his having written a book about his change experience, the how and why of political change is still a mystery to him.

Political change is something I’ve thought about long and hard because it happened to me, too, about ten years ago. In fact, struggling to understand and explain that change was one of the things that first drew me to blogs and blogging. I agree with Roger Simon that the vast majority of people are exceedingly reluctant to change their political beliefs and identification, and that was my experience, too; in fact, I’ve titled my own change story “A mind is a difficult thing to change.”

It’s not easy to come up with universals, because change stories differ in their personal details: fast or slow; solitary or interactive; sparked by things heard, seen, read, or personally experienced. But over the years that I’ve been contemplating my own story and listening to or reading those of others, I’ve come to see some patterns.

Rarely, if ever, are prospective changers actually seeking change. In fact their previous political positions on the left may be quite firmly and strongly held, and they would probably consider anyone quite mad who had the audacity to inform them of the transformation about to take place.

But although they may not be interested in change, change is interested in them. It usually begins with something external, some new information encountered seemingly by accident, something that starts to bug the person because it contradicts or doesn’t fit easily into his or her pre-existing framework. It’s like a buzzing fly that won’t quit and can’t be ignored. It causes discomfort, a sense of unease, and the disequilibrium that comes from the dilemma known as cognitive dissonance.Scissors-32x32.png

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These days it may seem as though the entire nation is moving ever leftward. But on the personal level it’s actually much more usual for political change to go in the opposite direction: from left to right.






A. Saw this earlier today. Good stuff.

B. Can't/Won't speak for others but in my case there are 3 reasons for my move

(in no particular order)

1. Stopped living in a chemically enhanced world. Reality Wow what a concept!

2. Give my life (such as it was) over to this Jew they tried to kill.

3. Three words President...Jimmy...Carter.

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@Valin - We were mostly non-political till your # 3. People MUST have been smarter then, otherwise I would think there would be a stampede with the current resident.

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I think The Right Reason #2 is the catalyst for most.

Never met a fully surrendered to the "Jew" person yet who remained a liberal.

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I think The Right Reason #2 is the catalyst for most.

Never met a fully surrendered to the "Jew" person yet who remained a liberal.


I have. I used to attend a church full of them.

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Ditto @Valin


Too many people assume God is a conservative Republican. And we all know what happens when you assume.


“Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side,” said the President, “my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”

A. Lincoln (Old Dead White Guy)

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Sorry but I disagree. Just because one is Republican or conservative or nothing implies nothing about their heart surrender. There is a difference.

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