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Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers?


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why-do-democrats-hate-american-manufacturersCNS News:

Here's the latest example of head-splitting cognitive dissonance in Washington: President Obama used his State of the Union address to crusade for a revitalized U.S. manufacturing sector. But while he pays lip service to supporting businesses that build their products on American soil, Obama and his left-wing operatives are hell-bent on driving a key sector of the U.S. manufacturing industry six feet under: the American firearms and ammunition industry.

The White House is pushing new government spending to "spur economic growth," protect manufacturing plants and "create good-paying jobs" to help America's middle class. Yet across the country, with aggressive lobbying by the White House itself, Democrats are working to destroy tens of thousands of good-paying jobs and the firms that created them. Assault rhetoric has lasting real-world consequences.

In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed radical, ineffectual gun-grabbing measures that are backfiring in more ways than one. Nearly half a dozen gun companies have now announced that they will no longer sell their products to police in the Empire State. In protest of Cuomo's gun-control regime banning citizens from owning semi-automatic rifles or shotguns because of cosmetic features deemed "military-style," Washington-based Olympic Arms "will no longer be doing business with the State of New York or any governmental entity or employee of such governmental entity within the State of New York."Scissors-32x32.png

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