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The “dictatorship of moral relativism”


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the-dictatorship-of-moral-relativismHot Air:

Ed Morrissey



Why would anyone call moral relativism a “dictatorship”? Fr. Dwight Longenecker explains in just a few paragraphs why a society without a coherent code of moral truth will eventually require a strongman to govern it:


Beneath all of this is the underlying tyranny of relativism. We dare not “judge” other actions because we have been taught that there is no such thing as right or wrong. We have been taught to believer that it is right to be wrong, or at least that we should have the right to be wrong, and not only have the right to be wrong, but to impose that right to be wrong on everyone else. In other words, you must not only allow me to be wrong, but you must say that my wrong is not only my right, but that my wrong is right.




It is deadly dangerous because when there are not moral absolutes the state decides what is right and wrong, and when the state decides what is wrong, the rulers of that state will invariably decide that what is right is what is best for them, and what is best for them is that which consolidates their wealth and their power. *When the state decides what is right and wrong, and has the power to enforce what they decide is right and wrong, they will do so.







* And I think we all know where that leads....no place good.

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