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Forfeiting Freedom by Mass Neurological Dysregulation


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forfeiting_freedom_by_mass_neurological_dysregulation.htmlAmerican Thinker:

In order to maintain political freedom in the United States, a prevalent number of American brains must be capable of understanding, adhering to, and fighting for a secular scripture: the unalterable Declaration of Independence, which defines God-given rights, and the Constitution, which provides the legal framework for a limited government that enables individuals to actualize those rights. This methodology of freedom-keeping is similar to religion in that it is based on following exalted documents. But unlike authoritarian forms of religion, there is no excommunication for negating those writings. We are free to forfeit our freedom.

Benjamin Franklin warned about keeping our republic because he recognized that it is almost impossible for a group of people to maintain a functional constitutional republic in the long run. Due to survival imperatives, the brain is designed to take a place in a herd-like group that follows a leader rather than to be directed by written ideals. In addition to that hardwired tendency, chronic severe stress dysregulates natural brain states and undermines the higher functions necessary for scripture-driven freedom. During war, famine, and other disasters, the brain becomes less able to direct behavior according to written ideals and laws. Even moderate stress or toxicity dysregulates the brain over time.

In recent history, a new experience to the collective American brain -- television -- may be making freedom-keeping even more difficult. This educated speculation, about a large group over a long period of time, is based on scientific research that reveals that exposure to television produces an overall effect of "down training" brain states from normal waking beta frequencies to slower alpha frequencies, as well causing the withdrawal of gamma states. Beta waves are associated with the rigorous thinking, reading, planning, and self-control necessary for scripture-driven behavior, while alpha waves are associated with relaxation and suggestibility. Gamma waves are believed to be associated with unifying voluntary attention and the integration of cognition with abstract ideals.Scissors-32x32.png

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