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It's Time To Speak Up For Persecuted Christians


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122112-638092-religious-freedom-christians-church-state-tolerance.htmInvestors Business Daily:

No faith has more adherents, and no faith is more widely persecuted. Christmas is a fitting time for America to stand for freedom, especially in nations we label as allies.

If America has done nothing else for the world, it has provided a model for religious freedom.

It was founded on that principle and enshrined it in the opening words of its Bill of Rights.

It has ongoing church-state arguments and scattered incidents of hate, but no real persecution.

The habits of tolerance are so deep-rooted here that we have trouble imagining why any nation would want to live differently.

Why ban churches? Why pass laws against blasphemy and apostasy? Why not just live and let live? What's the big deal about someone worshipping differently from you?

The fact is that, through most of human history, people have not lived like this. And in much of the world they still do not.Scissors-32x32.png

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