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Rep. Louie Gohmert: Attorney General Eric Holder is one to talk about gun control\


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rep-louie-gohmert-attorney-general-eric-holder-is-one-to-talk-about-gun-controlRed Alert Politics:


Rep. Louie Gohmert: Attorney General Eric Holder is one to talk about gun control\


By Kelsey Osterman /// December 16, 2012


Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) took the Obama administration to task over Operation Fast and Furious Sunday morning, calling out Attorney General Eric Holder for his hypocritical remarks on gun control on Friday. Scissors-32x32.png


In response to Holder’s statement following the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Conn., Gohmert said Holder was one to talk about gun control, following his department’s ‘Fast and Furious’ gun scandal.


After being asked about Holder’s statements by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, Gohmert laid into the Attorney General for his comments.


“Well I think coming from him, that’s really important to note, coming from a man who’s over a department that forced the sale of guns to people that would bring about the death of people like Brian Terry, and Scissors-32x32.png

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Child-Safety-and-State-FailureLudwig von Mises Institute :


Child Safety and State Failure


Mises Daily:Monday, December 17, 2012 by Ninos P. Malek


Editor's Note: The heart-rending nightmare that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary on Friday was not only a product of the pure evil of one individual, but also yet another complete failure of the State. The precious children lost were victims, not only of an individual monster, but of a collective monster. The State made it incredibly difficult for their parents to avoid sending them to mass camps (modern schools) every day, all day. And once there, the State completely failed to keep them safe. More than that, by making the Sandy Hook mass camp a "Gun-Free Zone", the State actually made it impossible for anybody (staff, teachers, parents) to protect them.


As Murray Rothbard argued, state operations should not exist. But as long as they do exist, they should be operated as effectively as possible according to the needs and desires of the taxpayers forced to fund them. As long as state schools exist, as the following article by Ninos Malek argues, staff and parents on campus should be allowed to be armed to protect their charges and children. A sign that says, "Gun-Free Zone" serves not as a warning to murderers, but as a welcome mat.


Tragedies and atrocities inspire an intense desire in the human heart for radical action and change. The radical change that follows Sandy Hook should not be to disarm the general public even further, which would only lead to even more atrocities (at the hands of both independent criminals and the State), but a mass rejection of state schooling. In the wake of this tragedy, parents should pull their children out of public schools for the sake of both their education and safety. And they should cry out, with the protective passion that comes with being a father or mother, for the immediate and complete abolition of all restrictions on home-based and private education. It is time for parents to take their children back from the State. - Daniel J. Sanchez Scissors-32x32.png


According to John R. Lott, Jr., Ph.D. economist and author of More Guns, Less Crime and The Bias Against Guns, banning guns might seem to be the logical way to keep children safe in school. However, he uses a simple analogy:


Would you feel safe putting a sign in front of your home saying, "This home is a gun-free zone"? Law-abiding citizens might be pleased by such a sign, but to criminals it would be an invitation. Scissors-32x32.png

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Opposing view: Eliminate 'gun-free zone' regulations


Larry Pratt6:39p.m. EST December 16, 2012


The ban on semiautomatic rifles didn't work then and won't work now.


A gunman whose name we do not need to memorialize took advantage of our gun-control laws to slaughter 20 children and six adults in a Newtown, Conn., elementary school.


In addition to the gunman, blood is on the hands of members of Congress and the Connecticut legislators who voted to ban guns from all schools in Connecticut (and most other states). They are the ones who made it illegal to defend oneself with a gun in a school when that is the only effective way of resisting a gunman.


What a lethal, false security are the "gun-free zone" laws. Virtually all mass murders in the past 20 years have occurred in gun-free zones. The two people murdered several days earlier in a shopping center in Oregon were also killed in a gun-free zone.


Hopefully, the Connecticut tragedy will be the tipping point after which a rising chorus of Americans will demand elimination of the gun-free zone laws that are in fact criminal-safe zones Scissors-32x32.png

Gun-free zones are a lethal insanity Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2012/12/16/gun-free-zones-larry-pratt/1773473/

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15926Patriot Post:



Disgraceful Political Theater

Before the bodies of murdered children had been removed from Sandy Hook Elementary on Friday, Barack Obama was, shamefully, stacking up the coffins of innocent kindergartners as a platform for his disarmament agenda, which he and his socialist cadres will conceal behind a thin façade of "concern for public safety."

Just one paragraph into his brief remarks about the murders in Newtown, Obama tearfully exclaimed, "We've endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years. ... We're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics."

New York Demo Rep. Jerrold Nadler was less discreet in his insistence that Obama use the deaths of these children to advance the Left's gun prohibition agenda: "I think we will be there if the president exploits it." Sen. Charles Schumer added, "I think we could be at a tipping point ... where we might get something done."

Within hours of the deaths, Sen. Dianne Feinstein promised, "I'm going to introduce in the Senate -- and the same bill will be introduced in the House -- a bill to get ... weapons of war off the streets." That should solve the problem.

At a Sunday evening vigil in Newtown, Obama again politicized the attack, framing his remarks around his gun-prohibition agenda. He asked rhetorically, Scissors-32x32.png



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Observations on Violence and Media Misrepresentation


Just two weeks ago in an essay about responsible gun ownership, I wrote:


"Obama has asserted erroneously, 'The vast majority of Americans would like to see serious gun control, [but] it doesn't pass because there is this huge disconnect between what people think and what legislators think and are willing to act upon.' Endeavoring to close that gap, every time there is tragic mass murder where the assailant used a gun, Democrats offer the disingenuous rationale that violence is a "gun problem" rather than a cultural problem. Of course it's easier to blame guns than culture, and that serves the Left's political agenda.


"However, acknowledging that the majority of murders and other violent crimes in our country are the direct result of social and cultural degradation on urban welfare plantations would be, first and foremost, an indictment of the socialist welfare state advocated by Democrats. Thus, Scissors-32x32.png


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On the Evil in Newtown



December 17, 2012 | Filed under Gun control | Posted by DJ Drummond


Let’s start with the obvious; what happened last week was unthinkable. Literally impossible for a rational mind to comprehend. Even serial killers understand some measure of restraint, even sociopaths tend to target perceived enemies, not innocent children. Even atheists should be able to agree that the murders of these children are nothing short of evil in nature and effect. This leads some people to doubt God’s existence or deny His love for us, but we have always known evil was in this world. Surely the history Scissors-32x32.png


President Obama spoke last night on the crime, and correctly observed that we can do better as a people, and must. But new laws will not provide the answer, nor will taking away rights from those who obey laws. The change must be in hearts, and in all hearts, not just those with whom we disagree. It makes one feel better to blame ‘them’ Scissors-32x32.png


is that mass murderers do not seek out the military or police for their rage. Instead, they seek places where they know they will be the only persons armed. The NewTown school massacre, the Aurora cinema killings, the Luby’s murders in Killeen, and the Virginia Tech shootings were all locations where people were legally barred from carrying guns, Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://wizbangblog.com/2012/12/17/on-the-evil-in-newtown/

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