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This afternoon, Breitbart News sat down with Sen. Jim DeMint, in advance of his exit from the Senate to take the reigns at the Heritage Foundation. Our conversation primarily focused on the future of the conservative movement and the immediate talks surrounding the "fiscal cliff." But, one particular exchange was unexpected. Breitbart News asked Sen. DeMint about the newly announced 5-member panel to examine or "audit" the recent campaign and the Republican Party's outreach and messaging. His answer was a surprise:

I'll see what they do, but we're going to do that [auditing the campaign] at Heritage and we're not just going to do an analysis of other pols. We're going to go out and do our own research. I know you can't just ask people what they think, unless you give them cues. Like, what do you think of the word conservative. You can ask them if they call themselves conservative or not. 40% call themselves conservative, but you don't know what the other 60% think about it. They may not like the word, but they may be conservatives. Scissors-32x32.png

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We (those of us who live next to right wing nutterville) have a problem. Part of it is a marketing problem...we do a really bad job of explaining what we believe, and why we believe it. Additionally we have a recruiting problem. We have to stop putting up candidates that are stupid and gaff prone.....we can if you want go back over the last couple of election cycles and name names..and they are legion. Newt on the couch...I am not a witch...etc.

We need to start recruiting better candidates who are like Caesar's , beyond reproach, because the media is not our friend, any piece of dirt they can dig up they will'

There was a case here in Mn. Jesse was running for governor and he was asked if he ever did drugs, his answer "Oh Hell Yeah!".....end of issue.

And we need candidates who are willing to fight...to get of the medias and the Lefts face.



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I really think Paul Ryan has a 'beyond reproach' character, but I don't know if their are enough people in this country that still like his message of self reliance.

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@Valin - I REALLY don't think we can run JesseLMFAO.gifwink.png


It appears you are missing the point. The reporter was asking a gotcha question, and was prepared to A. destroy Jesse (not that, that was a bad thing) B. Make his bones. In one short answer Jesse took that whole issue off the table, smacked down the media, and (IMO) won the election.

Here's the thing, he knew the vast majority of voters don't like the media, and how they are always looking down their noses at us the great unwashed (at least that is how they often appear), he used that against them. Rhetorical/political jiu jitsu. A candidate is accused of racism because the person is against affirmative action...fine the next day you give a speech start out by asking "Do you people really think I hate black/brown people?" Then start questioning the reporters, about why they asked the racist question, and who started it meme.


Here is what gets me, if I can figure this out, why can't the consulting class, and the politicians?

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I got your point - I was just pulling your legtongue.png


Now I'm gonna limp!


Hey I can now do my Long John Silver impersonation!



ARRRGGGG Avast ye scurvy swine!

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