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Planting the Seeds of His Own Demise


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planting-the-seeds-of-his-ownAmerican Spectator:

top that cringing! I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel. And it's not pretty for today's neo-Marxist Democrat party.

The man you see before you as your President today bears a striking resemblance to the main character in a Greek tragedy. He so reeks of hubris. Every word that drops from his lips speaks a haughty derision of the lesser beings not benighted to be a cog in his political machine. All witness Obama the Magnificent, the conqueror of America, which was the world hyperpower, but is now the Sick Man of the 21st Century, en route to terminal illness.

Middle class beware. Did you not hear four years ago Obama the Magnificent bewail that America with 4 percent of the world's population consumes 25 percent of the world's resources? So unfair, you know, the magic incantation of the Obama Regime. He told us that "we just can't keep driving our SUVs, eating whatever we want, keeping our homes at 72 degrees at all times regardless of whether we live in the tundra or the desert, and keep consuming 25% of the world's resources with just 4% of the world's population, and expect the rest of the world to say you just go ahead we'll be fine."Scissors-32x32.png

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Part of their plan for redistribution of wealth & opportunity, As China & India grow in consumer demand, we lose the luxury market at first....and then the staples. Obama & ilk will be happy when coffee is $50 bucks a pound...and lines for bread are around the block. I tried to tell some Obama supporters, that they need to get used to privation...that his policies mean a certain loss of things we enjoy, as well as maybe things we need.....but they couldn't see it.....because the rich need to pay. Who would have thought that we in the middle & on the bottom....are the one's he is talking about?

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An interesting and sometimes "punny" explanation of the strangling of American Freedom by the Oblamer Admin.....



Monday, December 03, 2012


Obama's a Success, but the Country Died



"But in reality freedom is first of all the subject's being responsible for himself.... Ultimately he [the subject] does not do something, but does himself."

Freedom is selfhood lived, just as selfhood is freedom lived.

Painful, I know, but imagine an alternate universe with an educational system in which such spiritually healthy attitudes were inculcated from kindergarten on. That's how they do it at my son's private religious school: he knows that every moment confronts him with choices.

As things stand, the left employs a bait-and-switch tactic to rob people of their freedom-slack. For when the state bestows its free stuff upon the grazing 47%, it absolves them of responsibility and thereby disenfreedoms them.

Such a strategy also destroys religion at the root, for "freedom is the capacity for the eternal." In a horizontalized world there is no finality and therefore no meaningful freedom.


Nor is freedom conceivable in the absence of God, for to understand freedom is to realize the absolute:

"For wherever there is no such infinite horizon, such an existent is locked up within itself in a definite and intrinsic limitation... and for this reason it is not free either."

No God, no freedom. Simple as. The left doesn't have to murder God directly. Rather, they accomplish the identical goal through the backdoor by simply eroding our freedom.

The leftist lives in hell and naturally wants you to live there as well. What do we mean by this stinkbombast?


But it seems that Guilt and Freedom are necessary partners so long as we exist "outside" paradise, so to speak. We are condemned to freedom, as the existentialists say, and we are bound to misuse it, as Genesis says.

As Rahner expresses it, "a free subject continues to be threatened by himself," and there is no way we can eliminate this permanent threat with some sort of ultimate act, short of suicide.

Which again goes to the left's perversion of this principle: "the Utopian idea that a world functioning in perfect harmony can be created by man himself only leads inevitably to still greater violence and greater cruelty..."



IMO: They are robbing mankind of the ability to be self sufficient....but more evilly....they prevent man from using his free will to help his brother. Charity at the point of the governments gun....is not.

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