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Cliff Dwellers


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cliff_dwellers.htmlAmerican Thinker:

We, unfortunately, are getting used to living at the edge of a steep cliff, going about our everyday business pretending the fatal drop to the abyss doesn't exist.

Culturally, one needn't be what's called a "social conservative" to be appalled at excesses in Europe where Zurich is creating outdoor booths to facilitate prostitution and Germany has many "erotic zoos" where patrons pay for the right to engage in bestiality with the penned-in farm animals.

Customers at the German erotic zoos consider this a simple lifestyle choice. Alas, the 1969 repeal of German laws got the government out of the bedroom, or perhaps more appropriately, out of the barnyard. And under a libertarian model, cows and pigs are properly consider chattel, mere property like a chair or tractor. If one wants to do things to a chair or tractor they own, then they certainly aren't hurting anyone else.

That's just part of what's at the bottom of the slippery slope. In the same article, author Christian Adams reminds us that you can ring up a euthanasia van in the Netherlands and in the U.K. the Royal College of Obstetricians support infant euthanasia.

Others report that it is becoming more common for British hospitals to withhold food and water for the elderly to speed them to their death and make another hospital cot available, a procedure known by the innocuous phrase, "Liverpool Care Pathway".Scissors-32x32.png

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I am hoping, but not convinced that America is going to "wake up", given a conversation I had yesterday with a good friend who is a minister of a church in Paulsboro, NJ, the town where the train derailed on Friday. Unlike most of his congregation, he didn't vote for Obama and feels like we are in perilous times. Too many are receiving too much from the government ..... they don't understand where or how the benefits they are receiving come from.


My friend helped a woman who claimed to have trouble breathing. She was coughing and telling everyone she was sickened by the fumes. Just like a city bush crash in Philadelphia where there is a small accident and 5-thousand passengers show up at the hospital, the woman in question was never any where near the scene of the train crash.


She was advised to have a talk with her legal representative.

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"and 5-thousand passengers"


that's big bus.


That happens sometimes with an airplane crashing into an apartment. Everybody and their third cousin who were in vicinity of said apartment building since the day of its construction 30 years ago tries to make a claim against the airline.

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Culturally, one needn't be what's called a "social conservative" to be appalled at excesses in Europe where Zurich is creating outdoor booths to facilitate prostitution and Germany has many "erotic zoos" where patrons pay for the right to engage in bestiality with the penned-in farm animals.



Paging PETA!


What next? I don't want to know.

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