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2014 and Beyond: Containment and Rollback


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2014_and_beyond_containment_and_rollback.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The election is over. The teeth gnashing and circular firing squads should end, too. Now we have to work together to develop a strategy for the years ahead -- one that Ronald Reagan would endorse: containment followed by rollback.

At the onset, there were silver linings on Election Day that should not be dismissed. Barack Obama does not have a mandate. Obama won with nearly 7.5 million fewer votes than he had in 2008 -- the only president to win reelection with fewer votes than he had when first elected. Jim Geraghty at National Review notes that a mere 407,000 more Romney votes in four swing states would have landed him the Presidency. Thirty states now have Republican Governors, an all-time high. In 23 of those states Republicans also control both houses of the state legislature.

Obamacare is still very unpopular. Higher taxes are not favored, according to exit polls, regardless of Obama's claim to the contrary. Unions failed to get two constitutional amendments passed by voters in heavily unionized Michigan; the charter school movement scored wins in Washington and Georgia. The highlight of the evening was the continued GOP control of the House of Representatives.Scissors-32x32.png

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2014_and_beyond_containment_and_rollback.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The election is over. The teeth gnashing and circular firing squads should end, too.



(As many people have noted) Ever notice how when the Left loses an election, no matter how badly they lose, we don't see all this wailing and gnashing of teeth over how they have to change? How they have to move to the right?


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Agree. Or how we have to pick up the Latino vote or the Black vote or the Women's vote or the FRAUD VOTE!!



What we see with all these articles is human nature in action. We see people trying to show A. How smart they are, B. It wasn't their fault.

the other day Newt was asked What Happened, his answer was I was wrong, I misunderstood what the voters were saying. A major politician saying he was wrong is not something we see every day. So what do we need to do? Marketing, Conservatism is a superior product (ideology), what we have to do is sell it better. And yes that means going into Minority areas talking to them, speaking to Women's groups and talking to them. I don't say this is going to be easy, but it has to be done. I'd also really like to see all the advisers/consultants/managers involved in the Romney campaign show the door the told to go away....Ditto so many of the state level GOP establishment.

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Agree. Or how we have to pick up the Latino vote or the Black vote or the Women's vote or the FRAUD VOTE!!



You never know what you're gonna run across!

Dear Republican Establishment: a letter from the conservative grassroots

Anne Sorock

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 10:30am



The letter below is from a group of grassroots conservatives who got together to pen their frustrations with the GOP. While these individuals do not wish to share their names, their sentiments are ones many of us share, including myself. Some of them I know; others, whom I don’t know and whose careers preclude them from taking so public a statement, surely join my friends as being hardworking, genuine grassroots, committed Americans.


They are committed to waking up the GOP, the best hope of returning of the country to the right path, before it is too late. Let’s hope they listen this time.




A word about demography: Women aren’t the problem, although we need to (and can) do better with them. Hispanics aren’t the problem, although we need to (and can) do better with them. The biggest nut of the problem is this: our campaign inspired 10 million… 10 MILLION… voters from 2008 who decided not to vote for Obama to stay home rather than come out and vote for Mitt Romney. We lost because we did not present bold colors, big ideas that could inspire a nation to join us.




Let it be known that we were good soldiers. We got on board and worked as hard and cheerfully as anyone else on the team. But please let the most important lesson of 2012 sink in: If we don’t nominate candidates who can inspire the grassroots of this country, we are not going to win, no matter how excited we think the independents are going be about them. If you cannot fire up your base, you are not going to fire up independents.


You cannot win without your base.


You cannot win by attacking your base.


Ok. Enough. We will not harp on it any more. You can poke us all you want. From here on, we’re working on 2014. And 2016.


We hope you will join us. And LISTEN.

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Im sorry but I am still irritated at some of the conservative radio hosts and the conservative websites and news sites. They broke Reagan's first rule. Thou Shalt not speak ill of other Republicans. They kept raking Romney over the coals over and over and then when he was the candidate told everyone they should vote for him. Some didn't want to vote for Obama, but they would rather stay home than vote for the guy that these guys gave them a bad taste in their mouth in the beginning.


Also, we talk about gimmie Democrats - there are also gimmie Republicans. They vote Republican because they always have and really are not up on issues. They BELIEVED the ads about losing their SS and Medicare. Weren't up enough on the issues to know that it was a lie - didn't vote D - just didn't vote.

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