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@Valin by the way, I believe you owe me an "I told you so" regarding our loss last Tuesday. I humbly offer you a "you were right, I was wrong."



We didn't lose...the country however......

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From the Lonely Libertarian:




As you open your pockets to do a good thing and make yourself feel good, please keep the following facts in mind:


The American Red Cross

President and CEO Marsha J. Evans' salary for the year was $651,957 plus expenses



It is called the March of Dimes because only a dime for every 1 dollar is given to the needy.


The United Way

President Brian Gallagher

receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous expense benefits.



CEO Caryl M. Stern receives

$1,200,000 per year (100k per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS ROYCE.

Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the cause.



CEO and owner Mark Curran profits $2.3 million a year.

Goodwill is a very catchy name for his business.

You donate to his business and then he sells the items for PROFIT.

He pays nothing for his products and pays his workers minimum wage! Nice Guy.

$0.00 goes to help anyone! Stop giving to this man. Instead, give it to ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:




The Salvation Army

Commissioner, Todd Bassett receives a small salary of only$13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. 96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause.


The American Legion

National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!


The Veterans of Foreign Wars

National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!


The Disabled American Veterans

National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!


The Military Order of Purple Hearts

National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!


The Vietnam Veterans Association

National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.Your donations go to help Veterans and the ir families and youth!


Make a Wish:

For children's last wishes.100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a dying child.


St. Jude Research Hospital

100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and can not afford to pay.


Ronald McDonald Houses

All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critical Children in the hospital.100% goes to housing, and feeding the families.


Lions Club International


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Good info, @SrWoodchuck. I'm sure there are other good charities that could go in the green column.

That is good info. I'll confess that my charitable urge is just about zero. I figure I'm donating 40% of my paycheck to charity cases anyway. And most of them voted for Obama. So I really don't feel like throwing more of my money down their greedy gullets. Let them eat phones.

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Humor: What will Barack Obama be doing for the next sixty days?




Now that election 2012 is over, what will Barack Obama do with his free time now that campaigning and fundraising are both off of the table?


I suppose that there will always be administration cover-ups to deal with or more likely not deal with.


Then there is the President's never ending attempt to push the United States closer and closer to a European economic model that has not worked particularly well.


And of course there will always be vacations to take and golf to play as well. But in the meantime, here are ten ideas for the next sixty days from White House Dossier:


1. Threaten to invade Sweden unless Michelle is given the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.


2. Jay-Z and Beyonce to be appointed Secretary of Treasury and Small Business Administration Administrator, respectively.


3. Allow people to register to vote automatically when they receive their death certificate.


4. Declare legislation passed by Congress will be from now on be considered a “recommendation.”


5. Prevent future subprime lending crises by confiscating all private property.


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Good info, @SrWoodchuck. I'm sure there are other good charities that could go in the green column.

That is good info. I'll confess that my charitable urge is just about zero. I figure I'm donating 40% of my paycheck to charity cases anyway. And most of them voted for Obama. So I really don't feel like throwing more of my money down their greedy gullets. Let them eat phones.


But f you do that, aren't you falling prey to the thought patterns and behavior of liberals?


That is why, even when times are tough, we try to give away as much as we possibly can...and if we can't do it in cash, we do it in time. It comes down to working outside the system that Whittle spoke of. AND, it is about our hearts, not about our politics. Maybe I'm wrong, but it makes us feel like we are actually doing something altruistic, rather than out of frustration.

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Ha! I wonder what would happen to universities if that happened. I LOVE it.

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Ha! I wonder what would happen to universities if that happened. I LOVE it.

All of the fly by night "colleges" would be gone. And 1/2 of the University programs would go away, while the other half would sky rocket.

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Cops: Ariz. woman runs over husband for not voting


Police say a woman who was upset over the outcome of the presidential election ran over her husband because he didn't participate in his civic duty.


Holly Solomon, 28, chased her 36-year-old husband Daniel Solomon with the family Jeep SUV on Saturday night over a political argument stemming from the fact he didn't vote, CBS station KPHO in Phoenix, Ariz. reported. She pinned him between the underside of the SUV and the curb when he tried to run for help.

The husband told investigators that Solomon believed her family was going to face hardship from President Barack Obama's re-election.



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Cops: Ariz. woman runs over husband for not voting


Police say a woman who was upset over the outcome of the presidential election ran over her husband because he didn't participate in his civic duty.


Holly Solomon, 28, chased her 36-year-old husband Daniel Solomon with the family Jeep SUV on Saturday night over a political argument stemming from the fact he didn't vote, CBS station KPHO in Phoenix, Ariz. reported. She pinned him between the underside of the SUV and the curb when he tried to run for help.

The husband told investigators that Solomon believed her family was going to face hardship from President Barack Obama's re-election.




Oy Vey. Now that is constructive behavior.

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Good info, @SrWoodchuck. I'm sure there are other good charities that could go in the green column.

That is good info. I'll confess that my charitable urge is just about zero. I figure I'm donating 40% of my paycheck to charity cases anyway. And most of them voted for Obama. So I really don't feel like throwing more of my money down their greedy gullets. Let them eat phones.


But f you do that, aren't you falling prey to the thought patterns and behavior of liberals?


That is why, even when times are tough, we try to give away as much as we possibly can...and if we can't do it in cash, we do it in time. It comes down to working outside the system that Whittle spoke of. AND, it is about our hearts, not about our politics. Maybe I'm wrong, but it makes us feel like we are actually doing something altruistic, rather than out of frustration.

Actually, it falls into my increasingly focused outlook that my first responsiblity is my family. I have seen real poverty in this world. It doesn't exist here in America, and I'm done fueling this nation's bad habits. I am already forfeiting a significant percentage of my taxed income to take care of people outside my family. People who could easily fend for themselves, but don't have to because the money I earn through my sweat and labor goes to support their laziness. I hurt them and me by feeding that bottomless pit.

Additionally, I believe liberals are wrong. Almost all the time. About everything. I have absolutely no compulsion to submit to some kind of implied guilt trip based on what they may or may not think about how I live my life or what I do with my money. Who I truly am and what I do with my resources has never really mattered to them. They are parasites who will happily suck me and my family dry, all the while insisting that I need to pay even more of my fair share to feed their sick habits.

My record of donating time and money to worthy causes and people speaks for itself. But as Thatcher said, socialism works well until it runs out of other people's money. Well, I'm tapped out, and frankly, the faster the free money spigot in this country dries up, the faster we crash and burn and start over. My time and money (what's left of it) will be focused on people I know, starting with the people under my own roof. They are already getting less than THEIR fair share.


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Actually, it falls into my increasingly focused outlook that my first responsiblity is my family. I have seen real poverty in this world. It doesn't exist here in America, and I'm done fueling this nation's bad habits. I am already forfeiting a significant percentage of my taxed income to take care of people outside my family. People who could easily fend for themselves, but don't have to because the money I earn through my sweat and labor goes to support their laziness. I hurt them and me by feeding that bottomless pit.

Additionally, I believe liberals are wrong. Almost all the time. About everything. I have absolutely no compulsion to submit to some kind of implied guilt trip based on what they may or may not think about how I live my life or what I do with my money. Who I truly am and what I do with my resources has never really mattered to them. They are parasites who will happily suck me and my family dry, all the while insisting that I need to pay even more of my fair share to feed their sick habits.

My record of donating time and money to worthy causes and people speaks for itself. But as Thatcher said, socialism works well until it runs out of other people's money. Well, I'm tapped out, and frankly, the faster the free money spigot in this country dries up, the faster we crash and burn and start over. My time and money (what's left of it) will be focused on people I know, starting with the people under my own roof. They are already getting less than THEIR fair share.


I can see that. I guess I just find giving time and money and effort to people who are in need in my own community is more about me than them. I no longer give to political campaigns or national companies. But I will volunteer for people in my area that have been hit by unexpected disaster, or need extra help. I CAN do that.


But you are absolutely right. Charity DOES begin at home. And it is the most important place for it to be.

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This has probably been posted here....but I think we need to forward this to every Senator & Congressman....evn an 8 year old can understand this.....maybe they will, too.


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There was a post mentioning idiots in another thread... watch the video at link.



This morning in Cleveland, a motorist who got in trouble with the law for driving on the sidewalk to bypass a school bus will serve her humiliating sentence: holding up a sign reading “only an idiot would drive on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus” for an hour. NBC’s Katy Turn reports.

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