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The 10 Most Outrageous Political Terrorists of the RightWing Mob


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T h e 10 Most Outrageous Political Terrorists of the Right Wing Mob



(I wrote this artic le ver y tongue in cheek. I wanted it to come across as a bit sarcastic, but it was hard for me to pull off, as I hated talking bad about these folks. I hope you understand that I am trying to illustrate the stupidity of the Democrats in labeling the protesters as a mob, or political terrorists, when they are following the role models below, the first Americans to rage against the tyranny of the established government. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks.)

With the overwhelming amount of chatter coming from the Democrats about the uproar Americans are causing at town hall meetings, I thought it would be important to take a look at the people who were behind this attitude, this belief that the people should come before those in government and demand they listen.

There are a select few who are the most outspoken, some more extreme than others. Some of these “political terrorists” simply demand liberty, while others speak plainly of the need for bloody revolution every now and then. They all, however, are quoted and inspire the rabble-rousers disrupting today’s town hall meetings.

Read the words they use. When you do, you get a look at the attitude of today’s town hall protester.


Nathan Hale was so extreme that, when seeing he was to be martyred by the British, wished he could die over and over again. That’s some hard core right wing lunacy.

Hale was a spy for General George Washington, another right wing extremist who we’ll get to in a moment. When Hale was caught and sentenced to hang, he reportedly told the British soldiers, “I only regret,” he said, “that I have but one life to lose for my country.”

While Hale didn’t actually say much, it’s the extremist nature of his most remembered comment that earns him a spot on the list. Wishing you could die repeatedly for libertarian values? This kind of thinking empowers others to keep fighting for ideals such as freedom, individualism and liberty. You can see how the left finds it dangerous.


Sam Adams, besides being a very tasty beer, was another right wing nutcase who caused nothing but trouble. He and his cousin, John Adams (who also made the list) were an integral part of a right wing movement that ended in bloodshed. We call it the American Revolution. Scissors-32x32.png

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