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On November 6, the people of the United States rejected President Barack Obama. And re-elected him to a second term in office.

Though Obama failed to win a majority in the popular vote--and may even have lost the popular vote outright--he won enough votes in the Electoral College to claim victory. The same constitutional peculiarity that brought George W. Bush into office in 2000 may have returned Obama to the White House.

The voters also re-affirmed the results of the historic Tea Party election of 2010, returning Republicans to power in the House of Representatives. And yet the voters also retained Democrats in control of the Senate, preserving the results of the anti-war wave election of 2006.

The U.S. Congress is now divided between two parties whose members were elected on platforms of protest, each determined to stop the other from pursuing its policies.

In the days that follow, great efforts will be spent on explaining the results as consequences of many factors, big and small.

Perhaps Obama would have lost if not for Hurricane Sandy. Perhaps Romney would have won if he had fought harder over Benghazi or pushed back against personal attacks. Perhaps the GOP is out of touch with the country's changing mores and demographics. Perhaps Democrats have not yet reckoned with fiscal reality.

Both sides lost. The American people, in effect, handed a vote of no confidence to Washington. Scissors-32x32.png

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That is the most optimistic view I have seen. Mine is more in the manner of the class and race warfare practiced by the administration over the last three years has pushed our society past a tipping point. The Takers now outnumber the Makers, and they vote in lockstep with the RATS.


They will have a wonderful life...until they run out of our money!


This is not the America that I grew-up in! This started with the election of Carter and his payback to the teachers' union...the Department of Education. Yesterday's vote was a clear demonstration of the success in dumbing down the American electorate!

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I'm not sure "the United States is still a center-right country" anymore. As Mr.n. said last night, the demographics in this country have changed.

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Someone on FNC [Larry Sabato?] said that Romney had a "tactical" campaign instead of a "strategic" one.


I couldn't vote for a man that rolled in the dirt with pigs. I want someone that tells the truth, even if it hurts. Mitt Romney's failures to engage Obama in a dirty campaign, was one that had honor and integrity......something foreign to Obama & the Progs. You can't beat "the Big Lie," you just have to expose it & hope that others are as disgusted by it, as you are.....


All appropriation's must originate from the House.......so, we need to starve the beast. We need to elect a Conservative & principled Senate, in 2014. We need to raise our voices to every sham & degradation that Obama forces on us.....and hold him accountable for his own actions.

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Part of last night's loss of the presidential election was due to idiot Senate candidates who skewed the Republican message by making stupid remarks about abortion.

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Part of last night's loss of the presidential election was due to idiot Senate candidates who skewed the Republican message by making stupid remarks about abortion.


Should they have said what they said the way they said it? No

But when life gives you lemons...make lemonade. This gave them a golden opportunity. We're it me I would have gone out the next day and every time I spoke, I would start out talking about it, and explaining what I meant and why I said it.

If the MSM and the Democrats want to make Abortion an issue...Fine let's talk about it. Because as strange as it seems I have problems with killing babies, just because they exist.

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All appropriation's must originate from the House.......so, we need to starve the beast. We need to elect a Conservative & principled Senate, in 2014. We need to raise our voices to every sham & degradation that Obama forces on us.....and hold him accountable for his own actions.


The question is will John Boehner have the stones to do it?

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