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Debasing the Presidency


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debasing_the_presidency.htmlAmerican Thinker:

Critics are harping that Barack Obama is running a campaign that in its coarseness, smallness, and pettiness marks a new low in American politics. Why are they so outraged? He has behaved this way ever since he moved into the Oval Office.


Many people have criticized Barack Obama for his failures as president. His economic record is pathetic:

trillions of dollars in new debt;

anemic growth juiced up only by massive deficit spending, endless printing of money;

zero interest rates that have proven so harmful to senior savers;

regulations that are smothering businesses;

a stimulus bill that reward Democratic special interest groups with taxpayer dollars and money borrowed from the Chinese;

ObamaCare, which is choking off job growth; a shriveling of future opportunities for our youth;

a foreign policy that cravenly shrivels before our adversaries but insults, damages, and bullies our allies and friendsScissors-32x32.png

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Few people have commented on how poorly he has projected what should be the magisterial aura of the office.


Anyone who has ever read a biography of George Washington appreciates how the "Father of Our Nation" saw his role. He rejected the notion that he become king but accepted the idea that the president should be a role model. Hence, he affected a regal mien complete with a ramrod posture and sober expression. He was not given to laughter and did not engage in trivial pursuits. He bore the weight of a newly founded nation on his shoulders. He knew that his image would be projected forward through the ages and behaved accordingly. He assumed the responsibilities of the office and treated them with the highest respect.


Obama's rhetoric sounds more like bullhorn Al Sharpton on MSNBC than George Washington or any other President since him.

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