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Republicans Will Win because We Know What's at Stake


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republicans_will_win_because_we_know_whats_at_stake.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitterAmerican Thinker:

The Romney election team has decided the most effective course to re-election is through centrist voters. They have chosen to contrast Romney's effectiveness versus the nation's disappointed hopes in Obama. That may be the right approach to win the small handful of swing voters. But that isn't why we will win this election.


We will win because conservatives know what is at stake and we know we can't afford to lose. That is why the Tea Party base is going to work their butts off to get out the vote. That is how we took back the House in 2010. It is how Ted Cruz won the Senate nomination in Texas, though he started out 2% in the polls. It is how a career politician like Richard Lugar was replaced by Richard Mourdock in Indiana. It is why Paul Ryan has generated more enthusiasm than Romney. It is why we have elected a younger generation of stunningly excellent deficit-hawk governors whom conservative voters are jazzed about.


The Republican establishment, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media, and self-promoting light-weights don't want the public to be informed about who Obama is. It is too creepy and too awful. Few people are willing to say those hard truths about our first black president. It isn't nice. It doesn't make you look moderate.


Thanks to the politicized mainstream media misrepresenting the real Obama, he has a strong shot at re-election. They know that the more people learn about Obama, the more he is a turn-off. So they have made sure the majority of voters don't know. They have made sure people are afraid of being labeled racist even for listening to the information that is available.


Happily, even added all together, the old opinion-makers don't have the monopoly on the public sphere, not any more. Democrats succeed in blinding their own side. But they haven't blinded our side. The unintended result: only our side is charged up.


Even if Obama supporters are ignorant of who he is, the facts are still real. The effects of Obama's destructive leadership are all around us, and it is a bitter pill. Their side is glum and dispirited. They are out of work. In fact, his core supporters -- the young, single women, blacks, Hispanics -- are suffering the most from Obama's attacks on our economy. When he prints money like confetti and blocks energy development, they are the ones who are paying inflated prices for gas. They don't know or accept that Obama is wrecking our economy on purpose, but they are struggling to get through each day and each week, and it doesn't make for enthusiastic voters.


The Romney election team has only hinted at the profound choice before our citizens. Every speaker at the convention described how the American Dream was realized in their family. They joked about Obama's 'you didn't build that' slip. But they didn't spell out the contrast: Obama, and his progressive cheerleaders, do not believe in the American Dream. The American Dream is open to everyone, as Condoleezza Rice, Artur Davis and Mia Love testified, but it creates winners and losers. To Obama, that's bad. He doesn't understand that being in a land of opportunity lifts everyone up, creating a level of prosperity even for our poor, and a generous social safety net for our old and incapacitated.


Our president thinks our country is deeply flawed. His basic understanding of how things work is that the rich profit by keeping poor folks down. His sense of fairness demands government redress the balance. He knows how to play on fears of racism, on resentment of the rich, on people's desire to think someone else will pay for everything they want. He wants to tear our country apart and tear us down, in order to rebuild us as a low-level egalitarian society, robbed of growth and dynamism but more 'fair.' He is succeeding very well in reducing us to a mediocre country, short on work, short on hope, but rich in resentment.


In a 2001 interview, Obama is on tape saying that our very Constitution has a tragic flaw. He criticizes the American Constitution because it protects freedom and limits government in the Bill of Rights, and doesn't go on to redistribute wealth. Obama rejects our forefathers' special genius in limiting the abuse of government power and protecting individual autonomy. He sees limits on government as a failure of justice and a tragedy. When he was running for president, he didn't tell voters that the change he believed in is what he calls 'redistributive change.' As Obama explains our Constitution:


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