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Time and Action Do Not Heal All Wounds


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time_and_action_do_not_heal_all_wounds.htmlAmerican Thinker:

To paraphrase the first Republican president, the world will little note nor long remember what the Democrats said at Charlotte last week. Yet on the eleventh anniversary of the most egregious attack against these United States, we should note and remember the words of vice president Joe Biden.


During his speech before the delegates to the Democratic National Convention, Biden said the following in reference to the operation to kill al-Qaeda fugitive Osama bin Laden:


In 2008, Barack Obama made a promise to the American people. He said 'If we have Osama bin Laden in our sights, we will take him out. That has to be our biggest national security priority.' Barack understood that the search for bin Laden was about a lot more than taking a monstrous leader off the battlefield. It was about righting an unspeakable wrong, healing a nearly unbearable wound in America's heart. He also knew the message we had to send to terrorists around the world -- if you attack innocent Americans, we will follow you to the ends of the earth.


There is much to unpack in such an insulting group of phrases. Had not bin Laden been "off the battlefield" for almost a decade? Do "the ends of the earth" exclude Iraq? Is the implication that the previous administration -- or any administration -- would not have taken out bin Laden? Why does Biden insist on the patronizing and paternalistic use of "Barack" instead of "President Obama" during his public appearances? Each of these Bidenisms could fill a column of its own.


Yet the most insulting idea within this passage is Biden's assertion that the implied masterful orchestration of the death of bin Laden by president Obama healed the wound of September 11, 2001. That's it. It's all better now. The wound has been cleaned, closed, and healed. Time to move "forward."Scissors-32x32.png

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