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Obama the Hare and Romney the Tortoise


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obama-hare-and-romney-tortoise-victor-davis-hansonNational Review:

The 2012 race has turned into one of Aesop’s classic fables. After each new media blitz against the no-frills Mitt Romney, a far cooler President Obama races ahead three or four points in the polls — only to fall back to about even as the nation’s attention fades.

Meanwhile, the Romney tortoise, head down on the campaign trail, keeps lumbering along toward the November finish. There is nothing fancy day in and day out — only the steady plod of a good-enough convention, workmanlike speeches that pass muster, a Midwestern vice-presidential nominee who is informed and reliable, and the standard conservative correctives offered to liberal excesses.

We have now gone through Obama’s various caricatures of a scary Mitt Romney — the financial buccaneer who sends his wealth abroad, the misogynist who wages a war on women, the veritable racist whose proposed budget cuts are aimed mostly at the nonwhite, the ageist bent on dismantling Social Security, and the callous man who cares little when the innocent die in the wreckage of his Bain profit-making. At each juncture, President Obama gains some traction, picks up a few points, and then slowly slides back to even.


How does Romney’s thick tortoise shell withstand these frenetic assaults as he keeps trudging along?Scissors-32x32.png

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I am a tortoise, and have often felt on the outside looking at the hare world.


Romney makes me proud to be a tortoise. Thank you VDH!


Edited to add: Tortoises tend to make better presidents. Even RWR was a flashy tortoise, not a hare.

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