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Bill Clinton Has Obama Right Where He Wants Him


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bill_clinton_has_obama_right_where_he_wants_him.htmlAmerican Thinker:

There are good reasons to believe that the 42nd president thinks that the chair in the Oval Office is either empty or might as well be until Mitt Romney is elected.

Can you believe that the fellow -- Mr. Clinton -- who is widely reported to have called the Empty Chair an "amateur" -- is the same fellow who is going to formally nominate Empty to a second term, without having had his speech seriously vetted (and perhaps not at all -- that is the best bet) beforehand?

What better, richer, and more conclusive demonstration of Mr. Clinton's point could there possibly be?

Of course, as Edward Klein suggested on September 3, the economy is very, very rotten, and the current occasional occupier of the White House was faced with a choice of Mr. Clinton on Mr. Clinton's terms or no Mr. Clinton at all. What kind of message would the latter option have sent?

Thus, the political stars of the man known as Barack Hussein Obama II are as crossed today as they were aligned in 2008.

In a June 8, 2012 contribution to American Thinker entitled "Did Bill Clinton Deliver a Coded Warning About Obama," this writer showed that there are very good reasons for believing that none other than Mr. Clinton (aka "Big Dog") slyly fingered Obama as both a Communist and a grave threat to what remains of capitalism.

The article also said that powerful Clintonian forces were crystallizing, and that Mr. Obama was going to pay the price for displaying the pomposity, unbridled narcissism, and grandiosity of a political tyro who has had enormous power hand-delivered to his lap.

Obviously, many things have transpired since June. Mr. Clinton himself largely turned invisible, went under, and remained submerged until August, when a much-ballyhooed (by the MSM) ad popped up (discussed momentarily) ostensibly supporting the man known as Obama and featuring a refreshed-looking 42nd president.

Can you believe that on September 3, two days before Mr. Clinton's signature DNC speech, news emerged that Douglas Band, a young (39) and top aide to Mr. Clinton, will be voting for Mr. Romney?

I mean, how uproariously funny is all of this? What a bracing insult to the Empty Chair!Scissors-32x32.png

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