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The Che Convention


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the-che-conventionAmerican Spectator:

The Democrats open their national convention this week under dark storm clouds of left-wing extremism. This is not your father's Democrat party. George McGovern would be a right winger at this convention.

The party meets to renominate Barack Obama, the most left-wing nominee and President in U.S. history, a self-identified Marxist with a long professional record of associating with Marxist and left-wing extremist individuals and organizations, if you read his autobiographies. If you disagree, or know someone who disagrees, the answer is read what the man himself has written about himself.

I won't repeat that history of associations here because it is old news and would take way too much space to do it justice. It is a matter of public record, and not a matter over which reasonable people can differ.

The Che Guevara Democrats

But it is not just Barack Obama. The repeatedly reelected leader of the Democrats in the House is Nancy Pelosi, from an ultraliberal San Francisco district where the voters have long since stopped thinking and just vote Che as a matter of style. There are many more like her in the Democrat caucus, from similar districts. The soul of the House under Pelosi's leadership is the Congressional Black Caucus, which features openly socialist representatives from inner city urban districts where the only political competition is between left and lefter. These members have replaced the Southern conservative Democrats of a generation ago as the most senior members of all the important committees. That marks an enormous difference from the Democrat party of the 1970s, further reflected in the complete collapse within the party of conservative Democrats.

Check out too the states where Democrats are in full, uncontested control, such as California and Illinois, which resemble Greece in fiscal, financial matters. In California, still more tax increases are on the ballot for this fall. In Illinois, after raising taxes on "the rich," and on business, surprise, revenues are running short of projections, and deficits continue.

Or check out the political leadership of the major urban centers where Democrats also reign in full, uncontested control, such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Miami. A couple of these have rational mayors, but check out the city councils, the aldermen, the lesser elected officials. The debate in these political jurisdictions is as left wing socialist/Marxist as in any other jurisdiction in the world.Scissors-32x32.png

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DNC Convention Kicks Off with Debt and Controversy

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) launched its 2012 Convention as America’s National Debt reached a record $16 trillion. A number of big controversies weighed heavy on the event, but little of that meant anything to the people occupying Charlotte, North Carolina’s Time Warner Cable Arena, as they loudly applauded strong speeches given by First Lady Michelle Obama and an up-and-coming politician from San Antonio, Texas.

“Forward” was the slogan of Tuesday night’s DNC convention – possibly the entire convention. It’s no coincidence that it’s also the slogan of the MSNBC news channel, a channel whose commentators make wild accusations at Republican leaders. Speakers from the convention labeled the GOP backward, but none of the negative attacks could hide the gaffes and controversies taking place prior to the speeches.

Following the end of the RNC convention, the reality of skyrocketing unemployment and high food and gas prices has allowed Republican leaders to ask the question, “Are we better off now than we were four years ago?” This has put Democrats on the defensive, most of whom have trouble answering it, one of whom – Governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley – answered “No.” This, along with President Obama’s grading of himself with an “incomplete” in his handling of the economy, has provided Republicans with a couple of tremendous talking points.


As well, the Democratic Party platform was approved with some disturbing omissions. There was not one mention of “God” in it, and regarding the nation of Israel, there was no mention of Jerusalem being the capital of the Jewish homeland, no mention of Israel being America’s strongest ally, and no mention of Hamas as a terrorist organization. All four of those issues were part of the Democrat platform in 2008 – missing in 2012.

The platform aside, speakers at this year’s DNC convention focused on various themes. One was the “war on women” theme, using such issues as abortion, contraception and unequal pay in the workplace to make the point. Another one was the “class warfare” theme, painting Republicans as only caring about the “rich,” while shunning the middle-class and the poor. And yet another was the need for more government funding, thinly veiled within the word “investment,” such as investment in public education.

Cory Booker, the Mayor of Newark, New Jersey and one of the early speakers, stressed the need for education. He stated, “Our nation cannot continue to be the world’s number one economy, if we aren’t committed to being the world’s number one educator.” It’s a very noble statement, but does he mean by it that government should continue to throw money at a failed Department of Education, as the Obama administration has, or does he mean that government should encourage competition with schools, something that Republicans would agree with?Scissors-32x32.png


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