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Don't buy the 'surprise' part of that Obama news conference


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obama-news-conference-strategy-explained-with-full-text.htmInvestors Business Daily:

"Looks like there's a surprise guest here," said Obama press secretary Jay Carney, sounding not the least bit surprised.

Indeed, his boss took the podium in the White House briefing room Monday to make a statement and then answer a few questions (scroll down for full text). But there was as much surprise to this abbreviated Q&A as the Chicago River turning green on St. Patrick's Day.

Here's how it works in this president's communications strategy:

He hasn't taken questions from Washington beat reporters in two months. Why? Because he doesn't want to answer carefully-crafted questions about the economy, the lousy unemployment rates among key sectors of voters like women, blacks and youths, the stunning tastelessness of the ads supporting his candidacy and why he's fallen so far behind the Republican ticket in recent money-raising.

Obama would also rather not talk about Syria, where thousands have died but he has no intention of intervening as he did in Libya, where only the threat of civilian casualties existed. Nor, apparently, does the commander-in-chief want to discuss the Afghan war wind-down with Americans who are losing, on average, one of their own every day now, many at the hands of alleged allies.

Obama would rather leave the political public communications to surrogates to bang on the Romney tax return drum.

So, Obama has been doing a series of satellite interviews with local TV and newspapers instead and with hardcore investigative organizations like People magazine and Entertainment Tonight. Why? Well, they're not famous for hardhitting questions. Last week, for example, Obama was confronted with such mindbenders as his favorite music and Mexican food.

But the natives were growing restless in the White House press corps, which threatens the proclivity of most there to give the chief executive the benefit of the doubt in their daily journalism.

Today, Obama is heading out on another "Hey-it's-great-to-be-back-in-(insert state here)-again-please-be-seated-i-love-you-too" cross-country campaign tour where he can speak to screened audiences unchallenged from behind the presidential seal.

So, he had to do something with the resident media, but the least something possible. Over the weekend he and advisers decided to stage an unscheduled news conference on top of the normal Monday news briefing.

This has two advantages: First, anything unscheduled around any White House adds some drama. Suddenly, the Big Guy himself appears. Obama did it earlier Monday at a luncheon Michelle held for right-eating youngsters.Scissors-32x32.png

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