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Don’t Fear Ryan


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don-t-fear-ryan-rich-lowryNational Review:


If you are a Republican political consultant, you are almost professionally obliged to be appalled at the prospect of Representative Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney’s running mate.

That the hypercautious Romney is seriously considering the House Budget Committee chairman counts as one of the biggest surprises of a campaign almost entirely lacking in them. In political terms, picking Ryan is presumed to be like hanging out with the No. 2 of an al-Qaeda affiliate somewhere in the badlands of the Middle East. Ryan is a high-value target.

Ryan’s offense is proposing serious reform of entitlements, as part of a budget that puts federal obligations on a sustainable path. He’s already been featured in one attack ad, in which a Ryan look-alike pushed an old lady in a wheelchair off a cliff.

There’s no doubt that the heart of the Ryan budget, Medicare premium support, is a major political risk. But the GOP is wedded to it. House Republicans passed the Ryan budget — twice. Romney himself endorsed it. He is already a “little bit pregnant” on Medicare.


The Democrats’ assault over Medicare will be ferocious, not to mention lowdown and dishonest. They’ve already all but accused Romney of killing someone, and they haven’t even gotten around to Medicare. When the barrage starts, Romney won’t be able to duck and cover. He’ll have to win the argument — or at least hold his own.

This is the broader point. Romney has to carry the argument to President Barack Obama. The state of the economy alone isn’t enough to convince people that Romney has better ideas to create jobs. Neither is his résumé. Romney needs to make the case for his program, and perhaps no one is better suited to contribute to this effort than Ryan.

Ryan is an ideologue in the best sense of the term. He is motivated by ideas and knows what he believes and why. But he’s not blinkered. He is an explainer and a persuader.

Before there was a House-passed Ryan budget, there was Ryan meeting with Republican freshmen, convincing them that true fiscal restraint was impossible without addressing entitlements. When the House passed his budget, there Ryan was plugging for it, as comfortable with Charlie Rose as Rush Limbaugh.

On top of fearing the Medicare issue, anxious Republicans worry that Romney will become too identified with House Republicans. But anyone looking at Ryan for two minutes will realize he runs completely counter to the stereotype of the wild-eyed House Republican. He is invariably civil, sure-footed, and good-natured.Scissors-32x32.png

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As I have stated before, that I find this whole Veep question boring beyond question, and a case of the punditocracy having to show us just how smart they are, and they have to write something...and of course there is nothing eles in the world to write about, and we the great unwashed are waiting with bated breath for their insights.

That said....were I a young raising star in the party (Rubio, Christie, Portman...whoever, I'd turn in down. Reasons being...say the ticket wins you get to do the bidding of the President for 4-8 years, and at the end of your term....do what? give speeches write books, and have no real influence. Your political career is over. If the ticket loses, you will forever be associated with a losing ticket...your political career is over.


Just one man's opinion, freely given and worth almost that much.

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If you have ever seen clips of Ryan's town halls. he is very good at explaining the situation we are in and how we have to fix it. He might be very good during the campaign, but a terrible waste at VP. He would better serve this country in the cabinet IMHO.

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If you have ever seen clips of Ryan's town halls. he is very good at explaining the situation we are in and how we have to fix it. He might be very good during the campaign, but a terrible waste at VP. He would better serve this country in the cabinet IMHO.


Exactly my point. And you could say the same of all the other people being mentioned. OTOH if one of them were looking to get out of electoral politics...this could be a good move.

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If you have ever seen clips of Ryan's town halls. he is very good at explaining the situation we are in and how we have to fix it. He might be very good during the campaign, but a terrible waste at VP. He would better serve this country in the cabinet IMHO.


Exactly my point. And you could say the same of all the other people being mentioned. OTOH if one of them were looking to get out of electoral politics...this could be a good move.


Well, I don't know if I'd say that cause there have been VP's who became Presidents after but this country needs help NOW!

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Exactly my point. And you could say the same of all the other people being mentioned. OTOH if one of them were looking to get out of electoral politics...this could be a good move.


Well, I don't know if I'd say that cause there have been VP's who became Presidents after but this country needs help NOW!


All true. My point and my only point is a small simple question (Pat. Pend.). Is this (who Mitt Romney picks as VP) worth all the hue and cry, the furrowed brows, "deep insightful analysis" we see today across the Right? Or is it just a bunch of people who need something to write about (that doesn't require to much effort on their part)? I strongly suspect it is the latter.

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