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What is the current status of the 2012 Presidential election?


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Not Enough



Posted by Erick Erickson (Diary)

Saturday, August 11th at 11:24AM EDT


Just under a month ago, I wrote

Of all the people to not be beating up Mitt Romney for his present not quite stellar campaign, I find myself in that position.

I’m genuinely not that worried.

I am still not worried, but I am getting concerned. This election is trending away from Romney as the economy deteriorates and more Americans believe the economy is getting worse. That should be a red flag for the GOP.

During the month of June, Barack Obama had a terrible month. Since then, he has continued to make some serious flubs. But through it all, Team Romney has really failed to capitalize Scissors-32x32.png

Paul Ryan must be the beginning of a campaign shake up, not the end. Scissors-32x32.png read more


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Paul Ryan, Our Next Vice President


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/08/11

Just an hour ago, Mitt Romney announced Representative Paul Ryan as his running-mate. It was one of the wisest decisions Mitt Romney could make, as Paul Ryan is a bona fide TEA Party Commonsense Constitutional Conservative and already has a Budget blueprint that can turn this Titanic around and away from the iceberg known as Obama’s Democrat-enabled Cloward-Piven strategy. A great many Conservatives were understandably disgusted by the Romney-squish pick, and many — myself included — declared a resoluteness not to vote for Romney due to the garbage Romney brings to the table. Ryan does not bring any of that garbage to the table, at all. In fact, Ryan has a long history of fighting to throw that garbage in the garbage heap, where it belongs.

The Ryan selection will energize many of the demoralized TEA Party Commonsense Constitutional Conservatives, who will now be willing to “crawl a mile through broken glass” to vote for Ryan and will man the phones and pound the pavement to GOTV (get out the vote) for the Real Conservative and Real Patriot, Paul Ryan for Vice President. Yes, today, Romney’s chances of winning the Presidency and throwing the Socialist Constitution and Federal Law violator out of the White House has improved greatly.

Also, Romney again vowed to repeal ObamaCare, which Scissors-32x32.png



One must wonder if mittens didn't make the Freudian slip of all time when he introduced Mr. Paul Ryan as "the next PRESIDENT of the United States!" (even tho he self-effacingly corrected himself a bit later).



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Paul Ryan, Our Next Vice President


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/08/11

Just an hour ago, Mitt Romney announced Representative Paul Ryan as his running-mate. It was one of the wisest decisions Mitt Romney could make, as Paul Ryan is a bona fide TEA Party Commonsense Constitutional Conservative and already has a Budget blueprint that can turn this Titanic around and away from the iceberg known as Obama’s Democrat-enabled Cloward-Piven strategy. A great many Conservatives were understandably disgusted by the Romney-squish pick, and many — myself included — declared a resoluteness not to vote for Romney due to the garbage Romney brings to the table. Ryan does not bring any of that garbage to the table, at all. In fact, Ryan has a long history of fighting to throw that garbage in the garbage heap, where it belongs.

The Ryan selection will energize many of the demoralized TEA Party Commonsense Constitutional Conservatives, who will now be willing to “crawl a mile through broken glass” to vote for Ryan and will man the phones and pound the pavement to GOTV (get out the vote) for the Real Conservative and Real Patriot, Paul Ryan for Vice President. Yes, today, Romney’s chances of winning the Presidency and throwing the Socialist Constitution and Federal Law violator out of the White House has improved greatly.

Also, Romney again vowed to repeal ObamaCare, which Scissors-32x32.png



One must wonder if mittens didn't make the Freudian slip of all time when he introduced Mr. Paul Ryan as "the next PRESIDENT of the United States!" (even tho he self-effacingly corrected himself a bit later).





Well lest it the remark isn't damaging
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@Valin @Argyle58 @Draggingtree @logicnreason @pollyannaish

Not only will we have to convince black voters of the need to look beyond skin color in November 2012 a Herculean task in itself but

we need to make the case to YOUNG people that Obama and Pelosi and Reid's policies are ruining this nation. Just speak to college kids and young adults (20s 30s). They say - yes, my folks are conservative but I just don't see how Obama is bad for this country. The operative word is see They want evidence. So far they haven't been affected by leftists policies. Nor do they see long range.

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@Valin @Argyle58 @Draggingtree @logicnreason @pollyannaish

Not only will we have to convince black voters of the need to look beyond skin color in November 2012 a Herculean task in itself but

we need to make the case to YOUNG people that Obama and Pelosi and Reid's policies are ruining this nation. Just speak to college kids and young adults (20s 30s). They say - yes, my folks are conservative but I just don't see how Obama is bad for this country. The operative word is see They want evidence. So far they haven't been affected by leftists policies. Nor do they see long range.


Oh I don't know about that....Look at the unemployment rate for those graduating of college. Granted it is not as bad as the population as a whole, but they're coming into the real world and companies are not lining up to hire them + they've very often got these huge student loans to pay back.


As for Blacks, Hispanics...two words come to mind....Gay....Marriage. I am the token white guy in my neighborhood, and I can tell you people are not happy about this.

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Ryan Pick Underscores How Obama Has Become “Silly and Small.”

By: Curt |@ Flopping Aces

George Will @ The WaPo:

When, in his speech accepting the 1964 Republican presidential nomination, Barry Goldwater said “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” and “moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue,” a media wit at the convention supposedly exclaimed, “Good God, Goldwater is going to run as Goldwater.” When Mitt Romney decided to run with Paul Ryan, many conservatives may have thought, “Thank God, Romney is not going to run as Romney.”

Not, that is, as the Romney who 12 months ago, warily eyeing Iowa, refused to say a discouraging word about the ethanol debacle. Rather, he is going to run as the Romney who, less than two weeks before announcing Ryan, told the states — Iowa prominent among them — that he opposes extending the wind energy production tax credit, which expires soon.

This may seem a minor matter, as well as an obvious and easy decision for a conservative. The wind tax credit is, after all, industrial policy, the government picking winners and losers in defiance of market signals — industrial policy always is a refusal to heed the market’s rejection of that which the government singles out for favoritism. But ethanol subsidies also are industrial policy. And just a few days after Romney got the wind subsidy right, nearly half of the 11 Republican senators on the Finance Committee got it wrong, voting to extend it. So even before choosing Ryan, Romney was siding with what might, with a nod to Howard Dean, be called the Republican wing of the Republican Party. For Romney, conservatism is a second language, but he speaks it with increasing frequency and fluency.

Romney embraced Ryan after the sociopathic — indifferent to the truth — ad for Barack Obama that is meretricious about every important particular of the death from cancer of the wife of steelworker Joe Soptic. Obama’s desperate flailing Scissors-32x32.pngRead more

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Health Care Reform and the American Character


By Rep. Paul Ryan on 7.23.09 @ 6:09AM


What's really at stake in the health care battle?

While it's important to analyze the relative financial costs and benefits of health care proposals which Congress is considering, our greatest challenge cannot be limited to the economics of the issue. Our transcending concerns are moral and political. The American character itself and the principles of free market democracy which protect and preserve it may be lost beyond recovery if Congress chooses the wrong path to health care reform -- the path down which the Obama Administration seems determined to lead our country.

How are health care and American character linked?

Public health has always been a government priority. The unquestioned power to quarantine for contagious sicknesses in order to protect the community's health has been used for centuries. Selling unwholesome food and drink, carrying on industrial trades that infect or pollute the air, as well as neglect, unskillful management, and experimentation by doctors and pharmacists have traditionally been treated as crimes and grounds for civil lawsuits. Immunization programs to protect populations against disease have long been accepted as a legitimate government service.

The Framers of our Constitution were deeply influenced by the thought of William Blackstone, England's greatest legal thinker. In his Commentaries, Blackstone explained that every individual has a "right of personal security" which includes protection against acts that may harm personal health. This right is part of the natural right to life, which means that it does not come from government but from "nature and nature's God." As the American Founders declared, the purpose Scissors-32x32.png read more http://spectator.org/archives/2009/07/23/health-care-reform-and-the-ame

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Barack Obama – American Reactionary


History Doesn’t End – It Just Ends Those Who Fail To Adapt


Posted by Repair_Man_Jack (Diary)

Monday, August 13th at 1:00PM EDT


At the core of the manifold paradoxes swirling around American governance is the harsh reality that we just can’t keep running our (stuff) the way it has evolved to run. Neither candidate for president is honest enough to spell this out and indeed both act as though easy work-arounds exist for sustaining the unsustainable.

(James Howard Kunstler)

Mr. Kuntsler’s description of the two candidates quoted above was accurate until Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as a Vice-Presidential Candidate in 2012. In Choosing Paul Ryan as a running mate he has now assumed ownership of the budget crisis as a signature issue. In an impressive feat of political Jujitsu, Mitt Romney has made himself the Progressive candidate and Barack Obama the champion of a defeatist and unworkable status quo. Mr. Romney now has the plan to repair things wrong with America. Mr. Obama is now attempting to put duct tape on a machine that just won’t fly.

The election of 2012 was always going to be a choice election. But until this weekend, Mitt Romney has not brought the choice we need to make into stark, visible relief. “Believe in America” was much more nebulous than “Stop Spending America into Perdition.”

This is a risky strategy for Mitt Romney to follow. The Status Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.redstate.com/repair_man_jack/2012/08/13/barack-obama-%e2%80%93-american-reactionary/

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Dem line of attack: Ryan is a Congressional leader, and Congress is just the worst, right?


posted at 7:21 pm on August 13, 2012 by Erika Johnsen


That seems to be the general idea so far, at least. I think they know they can’t nail him on a lack of character/integrity the way they’ve been trying to with Romney, and they don’t seem to want to try (not yet, anyway) — so it looks like they’re going to aggressively insinuate that Ryan is an influential leader in that pesky, do-nothing, obstructionist, hostage-taking Congress of ours.

President Obama started a campaign tour through Iowa today, a swing state heavy with currently drought-stricken farmers. After ceding that he is a ‘good man, a family man, and an articulate spokesman for Romney’s vision,’ Obama reminded the audience that the all-important-to-Iowans farm bill is currently being held up in Congress by none other than the likes of that dastardly ‘ideological leader of the Republicans in Congress,’ Paul Ryan. Scissors-32x32.png read more


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Blowing Up the “Paul Ryan Will Turn Off Women” Meme



Posted by Erick Erickson (Diary)

Monday, August 13th at 6:36PM EDT


I have always thought it was both vapid and shallow for the left and a whole lot of the supposedly objective media to claim that women voters vote with their uterus, or more specifically whether or not they get to kill kids.

All this talk about “Republicans will defund Planned Parenthood so women won’t vote for them” is ridiculous, not borne out in polling, and all involves a religious devotion to killing kids . . . errrr . . . abortion on the left.

If we’re going to use the left’s presumption that women are so shallow that abortion trumps all, we can play the game as well and presume Paul Ryan will not have a problem getting women to like him. Here are the top four searches on Google over the weekend related to Paul Ryan Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.redstate.com/erick/2012/08/13/blowing-up-the-paul-ryan-will-turn-off-women-meme/

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The polls are seriously whacky this season. The last Fox News poll has Obama up by 9, but Rasmussen's daily tracking poll has Romney up by 4.


The samples are very different obviously, but I can't ever remember a 13 point difference. It's not that I put much faith in polls since on election day, they don't actually matter. The thing that bothers me is that it makes fraud so much easier to commit.

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Paul Ryan, Our Next Vice President


Posted by John Hitchcock on 2012/08/11

Just an hour ago, Mitt Romney announced Representative Paul Ryan as his running-mate. It was one of the wisest decisions Mitt Romney could make, as Paul Ryan is a bona fide TEA Party Commonsense Constitutional Conservative and already has a Budget blueprint that can turn this Titanic around and away from the iceberg known as Obama’s Democrat-enabled Cloward-Piven strategy. A great many Conservatives were understandably disgusted by the Romney-squish pick, and many — myself included — declared a resoluteness not to vote for Romney due to the garbage Romney brings to the table. Ryan does not bring any of that garbage to the table, at all. In fact, Ryan has a long history of fighting to throw that garbage in the garbage heap, where it belongs.

The Ryan selection will energize many of the demoralized TEA Party Commonsense Constitutional Conservatives, who will now be willing to “crawl a mile through broken glass” to vote for Ryan and will man the phones and pound the pavement to GOTV (get out the vote) for the Real Conservative and Real Patriot, Paul Ryan for Vice President. Yes, today, Romney’s chances of winning the Presidency and throwing the Socialist Constitution and Federal Law violator out of the White House has improved greatly.

Also, Romney again vowed to repeal ObamaCare, which Scissors-32x32.png



Opinion: Paul Ryan’s policies, if implemented, will have deep consequences for Latinos


by Stephen A. Nuño


9:14 am on 08/12/2012


I suppose if you were looking to pick another “game changer” like Sarah Palin to run as your Vice President, you’d want to choose someone who is at least twice as smart but half as crazy, and Paul Ryan certainly seems to fit that bill nicely. Known as a policy wonk and a fan of the pop-philosopher, Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan marks a similar concession by Mitt Romney to his right flank that John McCain made four years ago.


The only question now is whether or not Ryan’s promise as a Tea Party hero will be enough to overcome Romney’s smothering personality. McCain was a good guy who got undercut by the assumption that anyone elected as a governor, of anything, wouldn’t be completely vexed by questions about what she likes to read.


But the Democrats won’t be so lucky this time around. Ryan has a solid grasp of what he’s doing, and by picking him as his VP, Romney has taken ownership of not only the cost-cutting policies of Paul Ryan, but the underlying values of those polices.


And if any ethnic-minority thinks it has anything to do with bringing America back to prosperity, they are the ones who have no idea what he’s doing. While Ryan’s budget proposals seem innocuous enough, if morally numb, they will have deep consequences for Latinos if those policies are ever implemented.



Just to give you one example Scissors-32x32.png read more


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Romney hits Obama for cutting $716 billion from Medicare to pay for ObamaCare



Posted by Dan Spencer (Diary)

Tuesday, August 14th at 4:45PM EDT


The Romney campaign has released a powerful new television ad contrasting the Romney/ Ryan plan, which strengthens Medicare and protects the commitments made to current seniors, against Obama’s $716 billion cuts from Medicare.

Watch the new ad, called “Paid In.”:

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The polls are seriously whacky this season. The last Fox News poll has Obama up by 9, but Rasmussen's daily tracking poll has Romney up by 4.


The samples are very different obviously, but I can't ever remember a 13 point difference. It's not that I put much faith in polls since on election day, they don't actually matter. The thing that bothers me is that it makes fraud so much easier to commit.

And it is happening under our noses with a complicit justice department.

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The polls are seriously whacky this season. The last Fox News poll has Obama up by 9, but Rasmussen's daily tracking poll has Romney up by 4.


The samples are very different obviously, but I can't ever remember a 13 point difference. It's not that I put much faith in polls since on election day, they don't actually matter. The thing that bothers me is that it makes fraud so much easier to commit.

And it is happening under our noses with a complicit justice department.


One of the reasons I'm happy to hear of the PA judgement today. Hope we get more of those. I thought I heard that we won in VA as well, but I may have misheard it.

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Dean Zarras, Contributor

I write about big government's corrosive effects on civil society.



8/13/2012 @ 12:48PM


Bring On The Radical Ideologues For A Debate With VP Nominee Paul Ryan


President Obama and I agree completely on exactly one thing, and it concerns the upcoming November election:

It’s not just a choice between two candidates or two political parties. More than any other election, this is a choice about two different visions for the country, for two different directions of where America should go. And the direction that we choose, the direction that you choose when you walk into that voting booth in November, is going to make a difference not just in your life, but in the lives of your children and in the lives of your grandchildren. It will make a difference for decades to come.

- President Barack Obama, August 12 2012, Chicago’s Bridgeport Art Center

With Mitt Romney’s naming of Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate, team Obama is apparently tickled pink that they can contrast their vision for America against that of a radical ideologue and the ugly capitalist that supported his budgetary plan. Not missing a beat, Obama’s promoters are already running ads on Google saying “Fight back against Paul Ryan’s radical agenda” and variations thereof.

I say bring it on.

Paul Ryan will force a detailed, fact-based national conversation and Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.forbes.com/sites/deanzarras/2012/08/13/bring-on-the-radical-ideologues/

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August 2012 Edition



A small bump for Romney, but not a game change.

In the immediate aftermath of Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, the GOP ticket has drawn even with the Democratic ticket. Today, Romney and Ryan lead the Obama-Biden ticket by a point (47% to 46%), an improvement from July when President Obama led Romney by 2 points, 47% to 45%.

The Romney-Ryan ticket is fueled by an 11-point advantage among independents. This represents an increase from July, when Romney held a 5-point margin over Obama among that key group.

In our Purple Predictor states, Ryan’s addition to the ticket has had a mixed impact on the race.


Romney has seen the largest gain in Ohio, a state we have seen bounce between the campaigns over the last few months. Today, the GOP ticket leads by 2 points (46% to 44%), compared to July when President Obama led the state 48% to 45%. Romney also gained ground in Virginia – today, he and Paul Ryan hold a 3-point advantage in the race (48% to 45%), while Romney trailed by 2 points in July.

However, President Obama has seen improvements in Colorado and Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.purplestrategies.com/wp-content/uploads/PurplePoll_Aug15_Final.pdf

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Fear and Shame on the Campaign Trail #2: The Week of the Dumb Democrats


August 15, 2012 - 10:38 pm - by Roger L Simon


This is the week when Democrats have sounded dumb — or hard of hearing.


I’m not just talking about Joe Biden, who always seems that way, or Maureen Dowd, who yesterday opined Paul Ryan was the smiliest (read: most attractive) politician to be so “cruel.” We can put that down to projection on the part of Ms. Dowd, who has made her living for the better part of thirty years now by being cruel to as many people as possible.

No, I’m talking about Democrats in general who are doing their best to misunderstand everything Paul Ryan says or has said, so that they don’t have to acknowledge that he might make sense (or that he had a Democratic co-sponsor for his budget plan they continually excoriate as “radical” without delineating what it is). That way they also don’t have to admit that they don’t have a plan of their own to deal with the imminent entitlement collapse or anything else budgetary for that matter and that their ideology is in such a rapid decline that no one publicly supports it any more.

What plans they have are described in a code word like “forward” that appears to have replaced the equally opaque “hope” and “change.” This is reminiscent of “Juche!” — the slogan of the North Koreans under Kim Il-sung, which meant something deliberately vague like “mainstream.” (How ironic that Obama’s Democrats have adopted a similar style to the Norks. I would say it’s deliberate, but I admit, in the spirit of this piece being about dumbness, Scissors-32x32.png read more


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August 16, 2012

Obama 'Intellectually Exhausted, Out of Ideas, and Out of Energy'


By Geoffrey P. Hunt


Mitt Romney finally caught up with the rest of us via a fiery speech in Ohio on Tuesday where he proclaimed three simple truths that frame Barack Obama: "Intellectually exhausted, out of ideas, and out of energy."

Those lines are still too charitable; Obama has been intellectually barren from the beginning. Yet it is irrefutable -- to steal an apt word from Paul Ryan describing Obama's raiding Medicare to finance ObamaCare -- that Obama's idea inventory consists of the expired date-stamped perishables of the collectivist state -- tax, confiscate, redistribute, and impoverish.

Out of energy" indeed will be our deficit of destiny if Obama's agenda persists to underwrite wind, solar, and ethanol while blocking coal, oil, and gas. Yet Obama has no shortage of personal energy to govern and campaign on a platform of "division ... diversion ... anger ... hate ... defaming ... and demagoguery."

The MSM liberal apologists were quick to label Romney's pick of Paul Ryan as VP an "act of desperation." Such an Scissors-32x32.pngRead more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/08/obama_intellectually_exhausted_out_of_ideas_and_out_of_energy.html#ixzz23i36QEiw

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Posted on August 15, 2012 by John Hinderaker in 2012 Presidential Election


Is Joe Biden Too Dumb To Be On a National Ticket?


As you have probably heard, Joe Biden did it again today: he forgot what century we are living in. This follows a bad day yesterday, when Biden forgot what state he was in, and then told a Virginia audience that the Republicans are “going to put y’all back in chains.” Oh, today Biden also referred to Paul Ryan as “Governor Ryan.”

Such blunders are conventionally referred to as gaffes, but with Biden they come so fast and furiously that one wonders whether something else is at work. Rudy Giuliani finally said yesterday what many have thought for a long time:

I think the vice president of the United States has become a laugh line on late night television. I mean, he — I’ve never seen a vice president that has made as many mistakes, said as many stupid things. I mean, there’s a real fear if, God forbid, he ever had to be entrusted with the presidency, whether he really has the mental capacity to

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'2016 – Obama's America' Movie Review: Getting Inside the President's Head

By Alex Murashko, Christian Post Reporter


August 17, 2012|9:54 am


At the film's outset, it is clear that conservative activist Dinesh D'Souza wants to get inside the head of President Barack Obama perhaps like no one else ever has in the making of the fast-paced, documentary-style "2016 – Obama's America."




By juxtaposing Obama's Dreams From My Father – often using Obama's own voice from the audio book version – with narration that includes information from his own two books about the president's past and potential second term, D'Souza makes a strong, intellectual case that the president's dream for this country is not in line with what many consider to be the American dream.


"One of the themes in the movie is the anti-colonial goal of downsizing America in the name of global justice," D'Souza recently told The Christian Post. "So the core idea here is that America has become a rogue nation in the world and also that America enjoys a standard of living that is Scissors-32x32.png

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/2016-obamas-america-movie-review-getting-inside-the-presidents-head-80019/#DUlWCpBPegerpVTr.99

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VIDEO: White House Unavailable for Comment After Explosive Interview



Posted by Ben Howe (Diary)

Friday, August 17th at 1:14PM EDT

No Comments

No time for tough questions from the press, Obama’s team has


snip read more http://www.redstate.com/aglanon/2012/08/17/video-white-house-unavailable-for-comment-after-explosive-interview/




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Obama's Betrayal

By Michael Gerson - August 17, 2012


WASHINGTON -- In the innocent, bygone days of February, President Obama told NBC News that the campaign would get negative against him, but provided this assurance: "I think that you will be able to see how we conduct ourselves in the campaign. I think it will be consistent with how I conducted myself in 2008 and hopefully how I have conducted myself as president of the United States."

Not since Gary Hart urged reporters to follow him around because "they'd be very bored" has an assurance been more of an indictment. The Obama campaign has targeted and intimidated Republican donors on an Internet enemies list. It has engaged in the juvenile mockery of Mitt Romney's singing. It has suggested, without evidence, that Romney may have committed the felony of falsifying FEC documents. It has speculated, without proof, that Romney has avoided paying taxes. When Joe Biden engages in racially charged hyperbole, he is awkwardly but accurately reflecting the spirit of the 2012 Obama campaign.

But the most vivid accusation (made by a closely associated PAC and embraced by the campaign itself) is that Romney's ruthless business practices were responsible for the closing of a firm, the loss of a couple's health insurance, and thus the death of a woman from cancer. Except that Romney wasn't connected to the closing of the firm, the woman continued to have health insurance from another source, and her cancer was diagnosed five years after the plant shut down.

Which represents Scissors-32x32.png read more http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2012/08/17/obamas_betrayal_115134.html

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