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JW(Judicial Watch) Exposes Voter Participation Center Scandal


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A Judicial Watch investigation has found that the leftwing nonprofit under scrutiny for trying to register animals, dead people, infants and felons to vote was founded by Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and a top Democratic strategist with deep union ties.

Documents uncovered by Judicial Watch reveal heavy hitters in the Democratic Party are deeply involved with the Washington D.C.-based nonprofit, Voter Participation Center (VPC), which claims to be nonpartisan. The group was created in 2004 under a different name (Women’s Voices, Women Vote—WVWV) to register “hard to find, highly mobile voters” and amplify the voices of unmarried women and historically underrepresented groups.

Clinton’s chief of staff, John Podesta, helped launch the WVWV prior to the 2004 presidential election and later served on the board, according to information uncovered in the course of JW’s probe. The organization, which officially changed its name to VPC in 2011, is registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a political advocacy group under the direction of Amy Young, a top Democratic strategist with deep roots to the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL –CIO) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Young has also served as director of the Ohio Democratic Party.

The group changed its name from WVWV to VPC to reflect an expanded focus that goes beyond its original emphasis on unmarried women. This includes the entire “Rising American Electorate” which means people of color and 18-29 years olds. The VPC touts its effectiveness in registering a disproportionate number of African Americans and Hispanics to vote and in contacting, registering and mobilizing individuals who were otherwise unlikely to cast ballots.


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Scary, scary, scary!!


No....not because it has, is, and will continue to happen on the left. That is not the scary part.


It is scary because the good old "JudicialWatch" is reporting it as if it is ground breaking, earth shattering, ear splitting news. It isn't. It's been going on since Chicago elected its first dimokrate.


What would be news....and good news at that....is if a good many of the perps were caught, convicted and jailed for voter fraud.


The other "scary" part is that just like all the other supposed crimes committed by the left, this one too will fade away quickly.


You don't think so??


How about the criminal holder and the gun walking?

How about the stain feloniously usurping the power of the constitution and both houses of congress to make legal citizens out of illegal aliens?


Hear much about those anymore? Nope...me neither.


For a week or two...the spokespeople on the right ran around screaming with their hair ablaze....and then faded away. No fight, no effort, no win, no more.


And here comes November with all these new voters!!


That's the third scary!

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Voter Participation Center Form Confuses Virginia State Board of Elections Vice Chairman

Bryan Preston



Following Wednesday’s quickly arranged conference call, the Richmond Times-Dispatch’s Wes Hester reported that the Voter Participation Center had mailed one of its registration forms to the vice chairman of the Virgina State Board of Elections. Like thousands of Virginians who received a form from the VPC, SBE vice chairman Kimberly Bowers, who is registered to vote, found the form confusing and had no idea what to make of it.


SBE chairman, Charles Judd, also noted that the VPC has been saying that its registration forms are the same as those approved by the board, which is false. The board has asked the group to stop pre-populating its forms, which it said Wednesday it will do, and to change the appearance of its mailings so that they do not appear to be official forms from the state. The VPC did not respond to that request during Wednesday’s conference call. Complying with that request would require that the VPC temporarily halt its mailings, redesign and print millions of new forms, which would be expensive.





I can't tell you how shocked I am to find John Podesta involved in this!


John Podesta...now there's a name I'd hoped I'd never hear again.



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No Joke



By Dr. Robert Owens · July 27, 2012


Fido, Casper the Ghost, and Juan Valdez walk into a polling place. No this isn't the beginning of a joke it is a key part of the Chicago Plan to re-elect the worst President in American History.


The Voter Participation Center (VPC), a left wing organization whose work to register Democrat voters exemplifies the process used for generations in Chicago to ensure the Outfit/Machine maintains control of the government, the power, and the swag. The VPC is mass mailing pre-printed voter registration forms to selected voter blocks known to be part of the Democrat coalition, African-Americans, Latinos, young adults, and single women. In their effort to extend the Chicago system to the rest of the country VPC mailed nearly 200,000 third-party voter registration forms to Virginia residents in June. This has resulted in more than 15,000 new voters being registered.


However, there are a few problems with this exercise in Chicago-style democracy. They are violating rules set forth in the state code and the Virginia Constitution requiring that Scissors-32x32.png read more



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