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Pro-life Progress Continues in 2012


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pro-life-progress-continues-2012-michael-j-newNRO/The Corner:

Michael J. New

July 13, 2012


The Guttmacher Institute recently released a report which found that states enacted 39 abortion restrictions in 2012. This means that 2012 was the second-most productive year in terms of the number of pro-life bills that were passed. The only year that was more productive was 2011, which saw the enactment of 80 pieces of pro-life legislation.




However, pro-lifers seized the initiative in other states. Three states, Arizona, Georgia, and Louisiana, have passed versions of “Pain Capable Abortion Protection Act,” which bans abortion after 20 weeks of gestation, when there is medical evidence that the unborn can feel pain. Utah became the first state to enact a 72-hour waiting period before having an abortion. Arizona and South Dakota strengthened their informed-consent laws by requiring counseling on the negative mental-health consequences of abortion.




When Republicans make substantial gains in state legislatures, there typically is a short-term increase in the amount of pro-life legislation that is enacted. However, the Republican gains in 2010 have resulted in considerably more pro-life legislation than the Republican gains in 1994. This partly due to the impressive gains the pro-life position has made in the court of public opinion. It is also due to the fact pro-lifers are focusing more on the states and have become more creative in their thinking — emphasizing clinic regulations, public support for crisis pregnancy centers, and other strategies to lower abortion rates. All of this bodes well for the future of the pro-life movement.

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What more evidence do we need than the OP article as proof of the War on Women, which the GOP adamently denies while at the same time, congratulating themselves on all the anti-women's choice and anti-women health legislation they've passed?


And this same GOP seems to have very little interest in the millions of babies they want to save once those babies are born. In fact, they're busily trying to slash funding to single moms and their babies and women in poverty, who are the mostly likely to need the preventive health care and contraception that will avoid the unwanted pregnancies. They're also fighting to end to Planned Parenthood services around the country.


Is this really what we elected these people to do? I thought it had something to do with jobs and the economy?


In 2011 alone, the GOP pushed 1100 pieces of anti-women's rights and anti-women's health care legislation.


This is a punitive approach to the problem, not a solution, and it strongly suggests that the force behind the pro-life effort is not about saving babies, but controlling women and women's sexuality.


If they truly care about babies in the womb, why don't they care as much about those babies once they're born? Why don't they create programs to provide services for the babies and ensure they have a decent life? No, instead, they slash the funds for these programs and try to stop women from getting needed health care and access to contraception and abortion.


Talk about mixed messages. Talk about a Catch 22, even for the millions of women who are trying to be responsible about their reproductive health.


What's the real agenda? If you force a woman to have a baby because you care so much about precious unborn life, why isn't that life equally precious once the baby is born, once it's 2 or 5 or 10 or 15? Where is the responsbility and accountability in the pro-life movement for what the unwanted children they are legislatively committed to force women to have?

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I'm looking at my constitution and coming up with a blank. Suzan hasn't figured out that you need to stop looking for big daddy government. Forget the "message." It's morality.

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I'm looking at my constitution and coming up with a blank. Suzan hasn't figured out that you need to stop looking for big daddy government. Forget the "message." It's morality.


This is the left. Free access to abortion is an article of faith with them. They don't want to consider what really happens with an abortion...a human being is dead.

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