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Five Democrats Join GOP to Vote for Full Repeal of ACA


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This afternoon, the House of Representatives held a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and the vote to get rid of the bill was more bipartisan than the vote to pass it in the first place. Five Democrats joined 139 Republicans to undo President Obama's signature legislative achievement, in what was the second vote the House has held for a full repeal. (As a side note, outlets like the Washington Post and Associated Press have been floating that this is the thirty-third vote to repeal the law, so as to paint the House GOP as obsessively voting every other day for a repeal. However, that number includes thirty-one votes on small pieces of the law; this vote constitutes the second time the House has put the law up for a full repeal, just so everyone has that straight.)

One such Democrat, reports The Hill's Russel Berman via Twitter, was Rep. Jim Matheson of Utah, who opposed the last measure for a full repeal of the unpopular law. He's facing a formidable challenger in Mia Love for his reelection bid (although he has a comfortable lead in the polls at the moment), and likely viewed this as a way of appeasing his purple district. (As an aside, he was also the first Democrat to side with the GOP to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt.)Scissors-32x32.png

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Now for the senate....betcha "wonders will cease" there!

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House Repeal of Obamacare Is Way More Than Symbolic


By David Limbaugh · July 13, 2012


So what about the GOP House vote to repeal that legislative monstrosity that masquerades under the misleading title of "Affordable Care Act"? Was the vote more than symbolic?

Will the vote have any impact on the presidential and congressional races? What about the GOP proposals to replace Obamacare? A host presented those three questions, and I'd like to address them more thoroughly than the time permitted on television.

I don't believe that the GOP repeal vote was merely symbolic, even though everyone knows that the obstructionist Democratic Senate, which hasn't produced a budget for more than 1,100 days, will reject it out of hand. The House vote to repeal, which included 5 Democratic votes, helps to frame a critically important issue in the 2012 presidential and congressional campaigns, which is also true of the House's passage of "cut, cap and balance" and Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan, "The Path to Prosperity."

Obamacare, along with Obama's stimulus package and his overall bankrupting federal spending, gave rise to the national conservative grass-roots uprising that bitter clingers fondly refer to as the tea party movement but whose followers radical leftist Democrats -- excuse the tautology -- refer to as tea baggers. If Obamacare led to the initial uprising, Obamacare 2 -- the Supreme Court majority's abominable affirmation of the law -- will galvanize the tea party as much as any other issue and energize all conservatives to defeat Obama and congressional Democrats in November. It formally showcases and places in stark relief the Democrats' position on the law; it forces them, on the record, either to join the overwhelming majority of Americans who want it repealed or to thwart their will. That is big, if Mitt Romney and other Republicans capitalize on it.

What impact will this vote and the Senate Democrats' inevitable refusal to Scissors-32x32.png http://patriotpost.us/opinion/14108

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