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Once a Liar...


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once_a_liar.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The man is a liar. Every time Barack Obama gives a speech or makes a statement and then turns to walk away from the podium, I expect to see another set of lips on the back of his head, flapping out the opposite of whatever the front of him just finished blabbing.

It's not a tax, it is a tax, it's not a tax. Not only does it make you dizzy, but you have to wonder if Obama thinks America comprises complete morons and nothing else. With respect to anyone who still believes a word out of his mouth, I would agree with him: those rarified few are certainly morons, or at the very least delusional and perhaps in need of intensive medication therapy -- or as the famous black racist Charles Barron would say, at least a good "slap" -- if only for our collective sanity. Oh, and I would remove Barron's requirement that the person being slapped be white. After all, it's possible for anyone to be an Obama sycophant. Delusion is colorblind.

With Chief Justice Roberts' contortions at creating constitutionality in support of ObamaCare, you would think that in victory our president would at least accept the terms of surrender. But even that is a bridge too far for the Punahou dissembler.

He rejoices in the affirmation of ObamaCare as constitutional on the basis of the power of congress to tax, and then turns around and says the ObamaCare mandate is still not a tax.

But then, the man is a serious, serial dissimulator -- examples of the storyteller's stories abound.

"If you like your doctor or health care plan, you can keep it."

We have all seen how that's turned out. I'm sorry, but doesn't this guy read prepared text from a teleprompter? He makes my doctor sound like a puppy. "Can I keep it, Barack? Please?"

"Since I've been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years."

Well...I guess adding $5 trillion to an already $10-trillion national debt in less than four years is merely responsible stewardship and not excessive. In any case, what does "lowest pace" mean? Can you have a low pace? Who is writing this stuff for him? Barack, I'm available...but no, I would just make you sound like an idiot, and you certainly don't need any help with that.

"And then you got their plan, which is let's have dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insuranceScissors-32x32.png

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Obama's Stump Speech Myths - Brent Bozell

Barack Obama has trouble telling the truth.

This is the man who admitted his memoir "Dreams from My Father" was semifictional. "For the sake of compression, some of the characters that appear are composites of people I've known, and some events appear out of precise chronology." Translation: On some pages, I'm taking poetic license with the facts to burnish my image.

The problem is, Obama's still using poetic license. So where are the reporters to point out when he doesn't tell the truth? Let's take just one typical Obama stump speech, on July 5 in Sandusky, Ohio, and look for the fibs and stretches. They're not hard to find.

1. There are the biographical tall tales. "My grandfather fought in Patton's army." In 2009, AP's Nancy Benac noted that the president's grandfather, Stanley Dunham, was in a supply and maintenance company, not in combat. That's noble work, but "fought in Patton's army" implies something else. Moreover, Benac reported Dunham's company was assigned to Patton's army for two months in 1945, and then quoted Obama's own self-boosting memoir: "Gramps returned from the war never having seen real combat." Why has Benac been alone in exploring this blatant exaggeration?

2. There are the policy myths. "So when folks said let's go ahead and let the auto industry go bankrupt, we said no let's bet on American workers. Let's bet on American industries, and now, GM is back on top, and Chrysler is moving, and Ford is going strong."

Put aside for a moment that GM being "on top" is a stretch. GM still owes the public $30 billion for the bailout. But the real screamer in that passage is Ford never succumbed to bankruptcy and bailouts and therefore shouldn't be included in any boast of any sort of Obama achievements.

Some lines in the speech just sound ridiculous based on the last three and a half years, such as: "I want to balance our budget. I want to reduce our deficit, deal with our debt, but I want to do it in a balanced and responsible way." This might not be strictly "false" -- it's opinion -- but it's certainly disingenuous. He said the same thing in 2008 and then delivered the biggest trillion-dollar deficit in history.

Obama also refuses to admit the failure of the "stimulus," claiming in one passage, "I do want to rebuild our roads and our bridges" because it would "put a lot of people back to work -- and that's good for the entire economy." Except, it's demonstrably not true.

3. Then there are the religious myths. "When I first got my job as an organizer for the Catholic churches in Chicago ... they taught me that no government program can replace good neighbors and people who care deeply about their communities (and) who are fighting on their behalf."Scissors-32x32.png


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