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A Powerful Transcript from Rush on Healthcare


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a-powerful-transcript-from-rush-on-healthcareFront Page Magazine:

Below is a transcript from Rush Limbaugh on Healthcare:


Rush: We cannot defeat Obamacare if we do not explain how it destroys the current health care system and the individual. You saw what they asked for. They asked for a mandate that would allow them to tell us what we have to buy or don’t buy and penalize us, tax us, whatever. Forget the penalty. Forget the tax. Think about just that. And then take a look at the news of the day. Okay, what will they do? The AP has a story that the fires in Colorado and these high temperatures prove global warming. Prove it! Prove it.

What do these wackos say about all this? It’s our fault. They, if this law stands, are going to have the power to dictate every aspect of your life they want to, to make sure these fires “never happen again,” quote, unquote, or the temperatures never go up again. And you know how lunatic they are. If they believe that you eating a Big Mac is leading to fires and high temperatures, then they are going to find a way to make sure that you don’t.


Or if they conclude that eating a Big Mac adds an additional $1.50 to your health care costs every month, and we can’t afford the buck-fifty, they’re gonna tell you that you can’t have the Big Mac. I’m not exaggerating. And that’s chump change compared to the power they’re gonna have with this. And it stands! It was just declared constitutional. Individual choice is gonna go by the wayside. Individual health decisions are gonna go by the wayside. You’ve heard the audio sound bite of Obama telling a woman that his government would not allow her mother to live!

I still, to this day, cannot believe that the country has become that in my lifetime. I was watching a primetime show on ABC and a woman asked this. The fact that she was even asking the question sent me into a tailspin. A citizen of the United States actually had to ask the president, “My mother is 102 and she has a really great will to live, she’s got a lot of spirit, but she needs a pacemaker.” “Well,” Obama said, “I don’t think we can factor things like ‘spirit’ into whether or not your mom gets a pacemaker. Maybe it be better just to give her a pain pill.”

I said, “This is United States of America?”

And nobody thought that there was anything unusual about that. A citizen was essentially asking the president, “Will you let my mother live?” And he said, “no!” And we moved on to the next question. In the United States? Folks, that’s the tip of the iceberg. We’ve spent two years detailing what’s in the health care bill, and you know it. It’s why you oppose it. But I really… As I listen to this whole thing being discussed on television and read various blogs, debating John Roberts right now is not the point. Debating his decision — whether there’s a silver lining, whether it’s a penalty or a tax — is a distraction.Scissors-32x32.png

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