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The Obama campaign has sunk to a new low. Today, Michelle Obama sent an email to the entire campaign list, titled “Being married to Barack.” It is precisely what you’d expect: maudlin and ridiculous. Cue the music from Love Story:

Benjamin --

For the first 10 years of our marriage, Barack and I lived in an apartment in my hometown of Chicago.

The winters there can be pretty harsh, but no matter how snowy or icy it got, Barack would head out into the cold -- shovel in hand -- to dig my car out before I went to work.

In all our years of marriage, he's always looked out for me. Now, I see that same commitment every day to you and to this country.

The only way we'll win this election is if we can rely on one another like that, all the way to November 6th.

You should know that your recent donation means a lot to both of us.

Barack is working hard, but he can't do this alone -- he needs your help.

Will you make another donation today to build this campaign? When you do, you'll be automatically entered to join Barack and me for a casual dinner:


Your flight, your meal, your accommodations -- that's all taken care of. Just bring yourself and a guest, and get ready to enjoy a good meal together.

We're so grateful that you're out there, ready to keep fighting alongside us from now to November.



That was Barack – the Paul Bunyan-like hero of the freezing Midwest. In case Michelle didn’t know, scraping ice from a windshield does not qualify you to be president of the United States. The good news is that Michelle has identified one shovel-ready job that Obama once created.

It is beyond patronizing for the First Lady to suggest that Obama is our collective spouse. If his commitment to Michelle is anything like his commitment to the United States and to its citizenry, their marriage is undoubtedly on the rocks.Scissors-32x32.png


I WANT A DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If you have any questions you can contact the above for more, too, Geee !



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The Obama campaign has sunk to a new low. Today, Michelle Obama sent an email to the entire campaign list, titled “Being married to Barack.”


I want a divorce!

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The real danger here is not the pandering memo from the "first stain".....


It is all those who receive it and think it is true, factual, and to die for....and contribute funds to the re-election of the stain!


Those....not the stain and his spouse....are the real problem in America.

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