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Everyone’s a Racist


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everyone-s-racist-ian-tuttleNational Review:

‘Here’s a little secret,” Keith Olbermann told viewers in 2010. “When racist white guys get together and they don’t want to be caught using any of the popular epithets that are in use every day in this country about black people . . . the racist white guys resort to euphemisms and code words.”

At least Olbermann acknowledged that not all white people are racist; but three and a half years into the first “post-racial” presidency, one might get that impression. Take the list Olbermann enumerated on air: “Cocky, flippant, punk, and especially, arrogant.” Last week, Congressional Black Caucus executive director Angela Rye added cool to the list: “Even cool, the term cool, could in some ways be deemed racial.”

Liberals have spent the past four years tearing out page after page of Merriam-Webster. “Articulate” and “bright” were forbidden early in the 2008 primary season, with Obama defenders dredging up a classy Chris Rock joke that “articulate” is “some s**t you say about retarded people that can talk.” But CNN, Legal Affairs, and other media outlets had bestowed the same compliment on John Edwards during his meteoric rise years before. A 2004 Slate headline called Edwards “bright and articulate and really, really youthful,” while Steve Benen wrote at the Carpetbagger Report in 2003 that “Edwards is a very bright, articulate, and aggressive lawmaker.”


In April, Mitt Romney unveiled a new campaign slogan at a stop in Ohio: “Obama Isn’t Working.” Racist, cried Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher: It evokes “the stereotype of the ‘lazy,’ ‘shiftless’ black man.” Van Jones, Obama’s erstwhile “green-jobs czar,” said in a web chat that the slogan set off “racial fire alarms.” But as the Romney campaign explained, the slogan was a tribute to Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative party, whose “Labour Isn’t Working” poster, designed in 1978 when the Iron Lady was running for prime minister, was named by Campaign magazine the poster of the century: Its image of a winding unemployment line “pointed to Britain’s economic climate of rising unemployment, rising inflation, and a growing national debt.” Sound familiar?Scissors-32x32.png

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#1 We must freely and openly admit the terrible awful truth...Whites are Racists

#2 Rich White Conservatives have an especially virulent form of racism, we know this is plainly true because... because Janeane Garofalo says so and she's famous, so she must be right.

#3 What makes the racist White Conservative brand of racism so insidious is how they hide it by "saying" they admire blacks like Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Thomas Sowell...you know Uncle Toms. And by cheering on the likes of (oh ick) Allen West and Tim Scott.

#4 Fortunately for us there are those few lonely voices like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Van Jones and all the (if you;ll excuse the word) Right Thinking citizens of the world in the Progressive Movement who have ripped the cover off this charade.

#5 The only answer is to admit you're a racist (see #1) and embrace the Progressives who are fighting day in and day out to end these right wingers.


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