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America’s Ten Leading Purveyors of Hate


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americas-ten-leading-purveyors-of-hateFront Page Magazine:

The Southern Poverty Law Center has a new “Intelligence Report” titled “30 New Activists Heading Up The Radical Right.” It includes well-known conservative figures like Frank Gaffney, Pamela Geller, and David Yerushalmi, lumping them in with members of the New Black Panthers, the Ku Klux Klan, and neo-Nazis. It’s a shameless attempt at shutting up those with whom the left most strenuously disagrees. And it’s no surprise. In the past, the SPLC has labeled Family Research Council a hate group simply because FRC doesn’t buy into the left-wing social agenda.

There are real haters in the world, however. They occupy both the left and the right – though the ones who impact the debate reside almost exclusively on the left. Here, then, are ten of the worst. They’re not the absolute worst; they’re not even close to a comprehensive list. But they give an idea of what true hate looks like:

Louis Farrakhan. Somehow, Farrakhan seems to have undergone a radical media transformation into a non-insane person. Or at the very least, his toxicity has been downplayed thanks to his obvious affiliation with Barack Obama’s circle of friends, including Jeremiah Wright. But Farrakhan remains as relevant and as dangerous as ever. He’s a massive anti-Semite, a classical Protocols of the Elders of Zion type who thinks the Jews control all the world’s media outlets and target black folks for exploitation.


Al Sharpton. Sharpton has been completely redefined from radical race-baiter into mainstream newscaster. He still hasn’t made that transition, as evidenced by his involvement in the Trayvon Martin situation, in which he jet-setted down to Florida to threaten the town of Sanford. But whereas the establishment wanted nothing to do with Sharpton after the Duke Lacrosse debacle, Sharpton followed up his visit to Sanford by hooking up with President Obama at the White House. When he isn’t inciting riots against Jews in New York City or smearing honest men with rape allegations, Sharpton is running his godawful MSNBC show, where he puts out leftist talking points laced with race-baiting. Fortunately for America, the audience resists he much.Scissors-32x32.png

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It is amazing that these haters on the Left are accepted and mainstreamed by the MSM... go figure.


Can you imagine of Mitt or Ann had the history with an extreme white/right version of Calypso Louie that Barry and Michelle have enjoyed for years?


And the fact that Al Sharpton in not treated with the same deference as a David Duke.

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Jesse Jackson Holds Gun Store Protest, 3 People Show Up…




Too funny.




DETROIT — This past Saturday, the anachronistic and increasingly irrelevant Reverend Jesse Jackson called for an anti-violence rally against 25 gun ranges in the United States.

Despite his personal indiscretions, he somehow felt justified to ask dads during Fathers Day Weekend all across our great nation to adopt his mantra of “Guns Out = Jobs In.”

According to the puzzling logic of Jackson, the local communities where the targeted gun shops operate are stifling the creation of jobs, which if you believe Jackson, is the root cause of urban violence. Somehow, Jackson manages to ignore the fact that these gun ranges employ people, including African Americans like myself, who pay taxes. Also, those very same businesses pay income taxes and collect sales taxes on relatively expensive products.

The dirty little secret is that there are no Scissors-32x32.png Read More


ZIP | Tuesday, June 19, 2012 @ 10:05 am

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Early this month, I had a post that looked at Jesse Jackson’s June 4 speech in Racine, Wisconsin, wherein he led audience members in a chant “June 5, we vote, to revive, our democracy” and “June 16th we march, guns out, jobs in.”

The “June 5” portion of the chant was aimed at enticing people to head to the polls and vote against Republican Gov. Scott Walker in the union-led recall effort.

The “June 16th” portion of the chant was aimed at enticing people to march on gun stores and “stop the gun trail, that’s bringing the guns to kill the people.” And to fire up the audience for this protest march, Jackson referred to gun store owners as “insurgents.”

In the end the June 5 activities were futile, as Gov. Walker handily defeated the machine that tried to remove him office. And the June 16th results were even worse for Jackson, as only 3 people showed up for a planned protest of a Detroit area gun store.

That’s not a typo—only 3 people showed up. And the funniest part is that Jesse Jackson wasn’t one of them. He did all that talking, all that huffing and puffing, and then stayed home while less than a handful of his followers protested the “insurgents” who sell “the guns to kill the people.”

By the way, more than 50 people showed up as part of a counter protest in support of the gun store. Thus, Jackson’s minions were outnumbered at least 17 to 1.

I guess protests even indirectly aimed at the 2nd Amendment aren't as popular as they used to be.




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You'll notice at the first part of this article the reference to him being in Racine Wisconsin the first part of June. This is where they bussed people to register to vote against State Senator Wangaard, the only Republican State Senator to lose in the recall and where numerous irregularities have been reportedangry.png

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Townhall Columnists John Hawkins

7 Examples of People Who Are Not Victims


My latest townhall column is called, 7 Examples of People Who Are Not Victims. Here’s an excerpt from the column.

No matter how unfairly you’re treated specifically because you’re a white male, a Christian, a conservative, or a Republican, very few people are going to accept the idea that you’re a victim. That may be unfair, but on the whole, it’s a good thing. America is already awash in people who falsely believe they’re victims and it’s not a pretty sight to see: the blaming, the whining, the mediocrity, the sea of jackasses who believe their horrific behavior is justified because they’re “victims.” It’s time they learned that they’re not victims in any real sense.

1) 99% of the “victims” of “racism”: It’s not as if there aren’t any racists anymore. They exist and occasionally do bigoted things to people. But for every victim of racism, there are 99 victims of “racism” who are using it as a shield to deflect criticism or explain their failures. In fact, we’ve gone so far over the top that false accusations of racism undoubtedly do a lot more harm than real bigotry. In truth, the reason people falsely cry “racism” so much is BECAUSE the American people oppose bigotry. A hundred years ago, when Democrats in the KKK were running wild and murdering black Republicans, calling someone a racist might IMPROVE their chances of getting elected. That’s not so anymore. This isn’t the sixties. Democrats like Bull Connor and George Wallace aren’t persecuting black Americans. The KKK is a joke. Pathetically, in an effort to make themselves feel important, this leads to race hustlers trying to turn criticism they receive into the equivalent of being forced to drink at a different water fountain because of their skin color. They want to be part of a civil rights struggle that’s already over as opposed to the beneficiaries of real heroes whom they’ll never have the opportunity to match in modern America. Speaking of our President…

Once again, you can read it all Scissors-32x32.pngRead More http://townhall.com/...mples_of_people

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