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Playing the Blame Game


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13815Patriot Post:

Playing the Blame Game


By Burt Prelutsky


June 18, 2012


When you look at the state of the nation, clearly someone is to blame. If you're a Democrat, you blame Republicans. If you're a Republican, you blame Democrats. If you're Barack Obama, you blame George W. Bush. If you're at least halfway sane, you blame Barack Obama and his stooges in Congress, in the EPA and the Department of Justice.

If you spend any time at all on the Internet, you have probably received the electoral map of the United States that tries to convince you that Obama's re-election is a done deal. Fortunately, the map is all wet. For one thing, it concedes Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin and Indiana, to Obama. For another, it insists that Florida, Virginia and Ohio, are toss-up states, while I'm convinced they're all going for Romney.

Frankly, the question that comes to mind is whether it was drawn up by Curly, Moe or James Carville. How is it that the mapmaker manages to ignore all the elections that have taken place since Obama was elected in 2008? How is it that no consideration is given to the fact that a mere two years into his term, the Democrats lost six seats in the Senate and 60 more in the House?

Why was no attention paid to the fact that Scott Brown won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat, that a conservative Catholic won Anthony Weiner's House seat and that Marco Rubio knocked off Charlie Crist? Shouldn't it make any difference this November, that within the past two years, Republicans named Kasich, Christie, O'Donnell, Walker, Haslam, LePage, Corbett, Snyder, Brownback, Fallin, Mead, Martinez and Scott, all took over the governor's mansions formerly held by Democrats in Ohio, New Jersey, Virginia, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Maine, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, New Mexico and Florida?

Are we supposed to assume that it makes no difference at all that, thanks to the 2010 census, while the liberal northeast has been losing House seats, and therefore Electoral College votes, the conservative southwest has been picking them up?

It doesn't help Obama that he vetoed the Keystone pipeline, that he wastedScissors-32x32.png Read More



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