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The Anti-Democratic Party


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the-anti-democratic-partyFront Page Magazine:

America’s Democratic Party lost its enthusiasm for democracy a long time ago.

Today’s gubernatorial recall vote in Wisconsin a short time after the most recent general election is just another reminder of how far the party of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson has strayed from its honorable roots. Founded as a reaction against the elitist ways of the we-know-what’s-best-for-you Federalists of the early Republic, the modern Democratic Party can’t stop telling Americans what to do.

Democrats are acutely mindful of Joseph Stalin’s aphorism that “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”


Democrats did everything but orchestrate a coup d’etat in 2000 after Democratic presidential ticket Al Gore and Joe Lieberman won the (unimportant) popular vote but narrowly lost the (all-important) Electoral College vote to Republicans George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. While sales of “Sore Loserman 2000” tee-shirts surged, the nation held its breath for five weeks after Election Day as Democrat thugs and their allies in local governments across Florida tried to overturn the will of the people. During the selective recount the self-described champions of equality argued with a straight face that votes from some counties in Florida had to be treated differently than votes from other counties.

The relentless barrage of partisan propaganda continued until the process was mercifully shut down on equal protection grounds by a 7 to 2 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Although Democrats continue to gripe about the Bush v. Gore decision to the present day (a belief in the decision’s wrongheadedness is virtually a required article of faith on the Left) they don’t allow bitterness to detract from their democracy-denying ways.

In the Democratic stronghold of California, the land of the ballot initiative, Democrats have worked tirelessly to undermine laws approved by electoral majorities in plebiscites when they contradict leftist dogma. Here follow just three examples. Long after the official votes took place Democrats took aim in courts, the state legislature, and municipal councils at proposition number 13 (1978, limits property taxes), number 209 (1996, state must be color-blind) and number 8 (2008, protects traditional marriage) all of which became law after being approved by the people of California.

Democrats love to count perhaps even more than a familiar “Sesame Street” character known for his fangs, monocle, and cape. If they don’t like the results, Democrats keep counting the votes over and over again until they get the result they want. They tally, calculate, and enumerate their way to victory whenever their candidate is within what columnist John Fund calls the “margin of ACORN.” (See U.S. Sen. Al Franken, Washington Gov. Christine Gregoire, to name just two recent examples.) With the help of radical financier George Soros they even created the Secretary of State Project to install state officers who would help rig elections for Democrats.Scissors-32x32.png

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012


11:27 AM


Dems cry foul early into Election Day; Sen. Taylor demands investigation LMFAO.gif




With only about four hours into the Election Day voting, members of the Milwaukee Democratic Party claim that calls are going out to voters telling them if they'd signed the recall, they didn't need to vote today.


Milwaukee County Dem Chair Sachin Chheda said that Walker supporters can't get through the day without "cheating."


“This latest lowlife sleaze comes on the heels of countless reports from around the state of various Republican dirty tricks on behalf of Walker," Chheda said in a statement. "For instance, reports surfaced last weekend that Walker supporters are paying homeowners to post Walker signs on their lawns."


A state GOP source dismissed the claims Scissors-32x32.pngRead More


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