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CFR & U.S. Army Chief of Staff: Use Army for Domestic Enforcement


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25d804ef9a46d741962435f33cf464e4_XL.jpgThe New American (John Birch Society publication):


CFR & U.S. Army Chief of Staff: Use Army for Domestic Enforcement

Monday, 04 June 2012 00:00

Written by Joe Wolverton, II


The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) proposes that the U.S. Army be used to plan, command, and carry out (with the help of civilian law enforcement) domestic police missions. So says a story appearing in the May/June issue of the influential organization’s official journal, Foreign Affairs [see: Odierno, Raymond T., GEN CSA, The U.S. Army in a Time of Transition, Building a Flexible Force; (Foreign Affairs); May/June 2012] The article lacks a single reference to the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits such actions.


In an article penned by Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army, General Raymond T. Odierno, the CFR would see the Army used to address “challenges in the United States itself” in order to keep the homeland safe from domestic disasters, including terrorist attacks. Odierno writes:




Where appropriate we will also dedicate active-duty forces, especially those with niche skills and equipment, to provide civilian officials with a robust set of reliable and rapid response options.


That’s right. Should the sheriff suspect that a particular citizen in his county poses a threat to security and feels he doesn’t have the proper “skills and equipment” to deal with the situation, he can just call out the U.S. Army and bring a “rapid response” force that is robust enough to eliminate the problem.


[Excerpted: read article in its entirety at the aforementioned link]

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I used to be a card-carrying subscriber of The New American. Then I came to know somebody on Free Republic whom I respect a great deal and absolutely disdains my accolades of they being a hero. In fact it was pointed out to me how 'unworthy' they are to fill their father's shoes in light of his impecible military service to this as yet still great nation and last best place to live in the world; there is an entry in Who's Who about this individual's father. The point made by this individual to me directly is that their father was intimately involved with the Council on Foreign Relations, and that any insinuation that the CFR is a nepharious global-government mongering shadow-government is contemptible given that the integrity and patriotism of their father is beyond any reproach whatsoever.


The foregoing notwithstanding, I looked into the assertions made and was humbled by said acquentances credentials. By the grace of God shortly after our private conversation, I came across something that shook me to my foundations. C. S. Lewis, celebrated author of The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters and numerous other works, delivered a speech as a memorial lecture at King's College, University of London. In that speech he advises the students to be wary of a great human desire that insidiously turns life into a mad, meaningless scramble.



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For the historically ignorant (as the author of the source piece to this thread may well be), the Posse Commitatus Act was enacted as an outgrowth of the Reconstruction era post Civil War and prohibits use of military force to enforce any federal law. Force Bills passed later permitted the use of federal troops to protect civil rights and liberties when the state and local govt has abandoned such protection.


There is nothing at all new about troops being used to enforce the law.


Without researching it in the least:

  • Federal troops, or possibly federalized militia, were used to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion during Washington’s presidency.
  • Federal troops were used in the early 1850s to enforce the return of Anthony Burns from Boston to his master under the Fugitive Slave Act.
  • Federal troops were used to suppress the fighting in Bloody Kansas in the 1850s.
  • Federal Marines were used to storm the Harper’s Ferry Arsenal when occupied by John Brown.
  • Federal troops were used to suppress the NYC draft riots.
  • Federal troops were used to suppress the KKK under President Grant.
  • Federal troops were repeatedly used to enforce the law (or to break the strike, depending on your POV) in labor disputes during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, e.g., WWI bonus marchers

From the above link (Wiki); the empasis below being mine:


The Bonus Army was the popular name of an assemblage of some 43,000 marchers—17,000 World War I veterans, their families, and affiliated groups—who gathered in Washington, D.C., in the spring and summer of 1932 to demand immediate cash-payment redemption of their service certificates. Its organizers called it the Bonus Expeditionary Force to echo the name of World War I's American Expeditionary Force, while the media called it the Bonus March. It was led by Walter W. Waters, a former Army sergeant.


Many of the war veterans had been out of work since the beginning of the Great Depression. The World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 had awarded them bonuses in the form of certificates they could not redeem until 1945. Each service certificate, issued to a qualified veteran soldier, bore a face value equal to the soldier's promised payment plus compound interest. The principal demand of the Bonus Army was the immediate cash payment of their certificates...


At 4:45 p.m. [July 28, 1932], commanded by
Gen. Douglas MacArthur
, the 12th Infantry Regiment, Fort Howard, Maryland, and the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, supported by six battle tanks commanded by
Maj. George S. Patton
, formed in Pennsylvania Avenue while thousands of civil service employees left work to line the street and watch. The Bonus Marchers, believing the troops were marching in their honor, cheered the troops until Patton ordered the cavalry to charge them—an action which prompted the spectators to yell, "Shame! Shame!"


Shacks that members of the Bonus Army erected on the Anacostia Flats burning after the confrontation with the military. After the cavalry charged, the infantry, with fixed bayonets and adamsite gas, an arsenical vomiting agent, entered the camps, evicting veterans, families, and camp followers. The veterans fled across the Anacostia River to their largest camp and President Hoover ordered the assault stopped. However Gen. MacArthur, feeling the Bonus March was a Communist attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, ignored the President and ordered a new attack. Fifty-five veterans were injured and 135 arrested. A veteran's wife miscarried. When 12-week-old Bernard Myers died in the hospital after being caught in the tear gas attack, a government investigation reported he died of enteritis, while a hospital spokesman said the tear gas "didn't do it any good."


During the military operation,
Major Dwight D. Eisenhower
, later President of the United States, served as one of MacArthur's junior aides. Believing it wrong for the Army's highest-ranking officer to lead an action against fellow American war veterans, he strongly advised MacArthur against taking any public role: "I told that dumb son-of-a-bitch not to go down there," he said later. "I told him it was no place for the Chief of Staff." Despite his misgivings, Eisenhower later wrote the Army's official incident report which endorsed MacArthur's conduct...


Roosevelt later issued an executive order allowing the enrollment of 25,000 veterans in the CCC, exempting them from the normal requirement that applicants be unmarried and under the age of 25. Congress, where Democrats held majorities in both houses, passed the Adjusted Compensation Payment Act in
[four years later ] authorizing the immediate payment of the $2 billion in WWI bonuses over the President's veto. The House vote was 324 to 61, and the Senate vote was 76 to 19...


Moreover, Federal troops were used to enforce the Supreme Court’s desegregation rulings in the 1950s, e.g., the 101 Airborne in Little Rock.


Constitutionally sanctioned uses of military force are warrented when there's a complete breakdown of social order as it pertains to Federal authority with respect to implementation and enforcement of Constitutionally valid Federal law.


The protests became so violent that neither the Detroit or Michigan State Police could contain them. Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh appealed to the Governor. Governor Romney called out the Guard on July 24th by ordering the 2nd Brigade, 46th Infantry Division to state actual duty. The other two brigades of the 46th were at Camp Grayling conducting annual training. Their training was cancelled and the troops quickly moved to Detroit. The situation worsened and by July 26th, twelve square miles of Detroit were burning. As police and military troops sought to regain control of the city, violence escalated.


Mayor Cavanaugh and Governor Romney consulted with U.S. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey; they decided to commit more troops to Detroit. At the same time, the Michigan National Guard was federalized and placed under command of the U.S. Army's XVIII Airborne Corps from Fort Bragg, N.C. One brigade each from the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions were flown to Selfridge Air National Guard Base and joined Task Force Detroit under the command of Lt. Gen. John Throckmorton. A total of 10,253 Michigan ARNG federally mobilized from 23 July - 2 August 1967; authorized by EO 11364 of 24 July 1967.


SOURCE: Detroit Riot of 1967 (http://www.globalsec...etroit-1967.htm)


And lets not ignore that which transpired at Kent State University either. That riot was not perpetuated by a mob of innnocent babes, but akin to a crowd of Trayvon Martin a few thousand strong.


That’s off the top of my head. I’m sure there are a great many more.


You may claim troops should not be used as used historically, but one can absolutly not claim it’s a new thing (nor that even some new law is required),.

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US Constitution Art 1, Sec 8 [portions]


To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;


To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;


As you can see, the Constitution explicitly allows for military enforcement of domestic laws. Furthermore, in virtually every single SCOTUS case (if not all), the Court deferred to that mandate vested in the Constitution delegating authority to Congress with respect to national defense and even more so the authority of President with respect to the authority mandated by the Constitution to the Chief Executive as Commander in Chief.


EVERY single time the matter has come before SCOTUS, they've demurred and said: "We don't know know anything about that. Issues concerning national defense are between you two branches; we'll just man the walls guarding civil liberties against encroachment.

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17 minutes into Senator Obama's July 2, 2008 speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado he deviated from his pre-released script and performed without the teleprompter saying:


"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a
civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

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CFR & U.S. Army Chief of Staff: Use Army for Domestic Enforcement


We now return you to the real wworld.

I used to be a card-carrying subscriber of The New American.


What can I say except one of the great services Bill Buckley did, is go to war with these clowns and drive them from the movement.

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If and when you read C.S. Lewis's address: you'll understand.


CFR, Trilateral Commission or Bilderberg can not be refuted with existing evidence.


That notwithstanding, the validity, soundness, strength / weakness of various logical arguments and statistical syllogism can be debated to grimace proportions.

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