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Losing the World to Win Reelection


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losing-the-world-to-win-reelecAmerican Spectator:

It's more and more difficult to write about the Islamist war against Western civilization. Not because there is too little to write, or because the fronts in that war are quiet. It's tough to do because fewer people seem to give a damn each week.

Maybe the stark ironies of the war could bestir people to think about it. For those who still care, here are a few of those ironies that would be fodder for late night comedians if they weren't so bloody serious.

As usual, there is Obamaworld and -- on the other side of the looking glass -- there's reality.

The "Arab Spring" broke out in March of last year. Since then, dictators in Egypt and Libya have been replaced by Islamist governments, both of which will prove to be as bad or worse than the dictators they replaced. (NB: I use the term Islamist instead of "radical Islamist" because the word "radical" is a redundancy. There is no form of Islamism -- as opposed to Islam -- that isn't inherently radical, supportive of terrorism and Islamic global hegemony.)

Meanwhile, back in Syria, the Arab Spring revolt is now over a year old. Which brings us to the irony of the week.

Yesterday's Washington Post had a long knuckle-rubbing article about whether Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons might fall into the hands of "militants," WaPo's latest euphemism for jihadis. Trudging through a story that was meant to assure us that our spec ops guys would seize the chemical weapons before the "militants" grabbed them, I came across the following:

While the stockpiles appear secure at the moment, they could be plundered or simply abandoned if Syrian troops are beaten back by increasingly well-armed rebels or by al-Qaeda militants who have been streaming into the country from Iraq in recent weeks, intelligence officials say.

Setting aside the term "al-Qaeda militants" for the moment, how many al-Q's does it take to make a weeks-long stream of them? Five? Five hundred? And who believes that we'll have good enough intelligence in time for our spec ops guys to seize the chemical weapons before al-Qaeda (or Hizballah) does?Scissors-32x32.png

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