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A Racial Revolution? - Thomas Sowell


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racial-revolution-thomas-sowellNational Review:

Now that census data show — for the first time in American history — that the number of white babies born is exceeded by the number of babies born to non-white minorities, the question is: What does this mean for the future of American society?

Politically, it means that minorities who traditionally vote overwhelmingly for Democrats can ensure that the country veers ever further to the left over the years, making America more like the welfare states of Europe, whose unsustainable spending led ultimately to financial crises and widespread riots.

But this is not strictly a matter of whites versus non-whites. Jews vote consistently, and almost as overwhelmingly, for Democrats as blacks do. Moreover, Asian Americans are by no means as likely as other non-whites to vote for the class-warfare, tax-and-spend agenda of the Democrats.

Yet when all is said and done, the future political direction of the country seems painfully clear from these demographic trends, unless something happens to change the current correlation between race and political-party affiliation. Moreover, even that may not be enough.

Even if Republicans can siphon off enough votes from groups that normally vote for Democrats to keep the two-party system alive, the preservation of the Republican party is a trivial issue compared to the preservation of American society.Scissors-32x32.png

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But this is not strictly a matter of whites versus non-whites. Jews vote consistently, and almost as overwhelmingly, for Democrats as blacks do. Moreover, Asian Americans are by no means as likely as other non-whites to vote for the class-warfare, tax-and-spend agenda of the Democrats.

Yet when all is said and done, the future political direction of the country seems painfully clear from these demographic trends, unless something happens to change the current correlation between race and political-party affiliation. Moreover, even that may not be enough.


Two points

A. While I love Tom, he is a good working example of what a "Glass Half Empty" kind of person is. His personal motto should be...Things are always darkest before they turn completely black"


B. What this means is we on the Right have some work to do. That means a number of things, The Party has to start spending money in the Cities, and not exclusively in the suburbs/exurbs (This is a real hot button issue with me living as I do in South Mpls).

We the grassroots need to do a better job of explaining who we are, what we believe, and why minorities should support the GOP. That means explaining why welfare is bad, bad for the person morally, economically, socially. Bad for the nation.

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