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Why the Obama Campaign Is Blowing the Election


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why_the_obama_campaign_is_blowing_the_election.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The great puzzle of President Obama's re-election campaign is why previously successful political pros are creating so many ineffective initiatives that blow up in their faces like exploding cigars.

Take, for example, the Obama campaign's insistence that they can sell the narrative that Republicans in general, and of course Mitt Romney in particular, are waging a "War on Women." How many different ways can they try and fail? They've used Hillary Rosen as a stalking horse, a cartoon named "Julia," and on and on and on. Most normal people (and I am including Team Obama among the "normal" simply for the sake of argument) would try something once. If it fails, then they might assume that whatever they were trying needs a bit of tweak, and they'll try again. If the second try also crashes and burns, they might do it one more time, but only after some radical changes are made to the original plan. After the third disaster, almost everyone would conclude that there is a flaw in the basic assumption or in the plan, or even both.

Not those geniuses who are running the Obama and Company effort to get the man re-elected. They just keep trying the same tired old theme again, and again, and again.

There's an old saw about insanity being illustrated by someone trying the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. I disagree with those who assume that Obama and Company are simply insane. Are they hard to relate to for anyone on the right, and equally so for anyone on the left who finds himself within shouting distance of the center? No question about that. But insane? No.

They seem to be following in the footsteps of many great, well-trained military officers of the past, though.

The military has often been criticized for being unprepared for some action of the enemy that surprises it. That is not, however, a lack of preparation. Great generals have often been completely and intelligently prepared...for the last war. For the next war? Maybe not so much.

Obama and his campaign advisors seem to falling into that same trap. They are exhibiting and executing the skillful attacks of the last campaign that they found to be successful. And since L-P-Ds almost invariably view themselves as the smartest guys in the room, any changes from the original plan have to be resisted at all costs, since an admission that their plan isn't working is a simultaneous admission of their own fallibility. And that simply is not an acceptable alternative for any L-P-D, but most especially Barack Obama.

What has come as a rude shock to Obama and his supporters is that Mitt Romney is not a carbon copy of John McCain. I'm not speaking of differences in governing philosophy, or specific policy prescriptions, but rather the diffidence that McCain exhibited and the kid glove treatment he gave Obama in 2008. Part of that was McCain's sense of what he viewed as being honorable. Part of it was, reasonably, a justifiable concern that he might be accused of racism. And while maintaining a sense of honor is admirable, it ultimately led to Obama and his policies for the past 3-1/2 years. Most of those on the right don't believe that was a worthwhile trade-off. Scissors-32x32.png

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Don't know why American Thinker is publishing this! We all know that the opposition reads this stuff. Why help them? And....who is American Thinker trying to convince?? Those on the right are ALREADY convinced. Yes...they'll read this with knowing affirmative nods and smiles. But the article itself will not change any minds. Those on the left...if they read this...and are intelligent beings (ok...there are not so many of them, but still) will understand and influence or make corrections to the directions the re-election managers are taking.

Will we on the right never learn??


As Napolean was fond of saying, "Never interupt your enemy when he is making a mistake!"


Will we on the right never learn???

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Hated to see Romney, personally decide not to use the "Obama/Rev. Wright" connection & tapes.


Who does he think he is......McRino? There should be nothing off the table....especially the eventual "vetting" of Oblunder.


Don't fight like they have told you to fight......fight to win & rid the American Republic of it's greatest threat.

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Well, if I had to guess Romney is 'keeping his hands clean' while someone else will do the dirty work and push the issue, so he can disavow any dirty tricks. Haven't we all been there before?

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