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Defeat Obama: The Power Of One Patriot!


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defeat_obama_the_power_of_one_patriot.htmlAmerican Thinker:

I am traveling on Tea Party Express VI national bus tour. During one of the long rides between cities/rallies, I watched a very disturbing and enlightening documentary titled AGENDA: Grinding America Down. Folks, it scared the you-know-what out of me. The movie superbly chronicles how the Marxist, Socialist, and Communist have been systematically orchestrating the destruction of America "from within" for many, many years.

I have been writing about all the things the left has been doing for years: dumbing down and indoctrinating our kids, banning God from the public square, attacking Christianity, pushing to make homosexuality normal, and getting as many Americans as possible hooked on government for survival. AGENDA (the movie) reveals that all of the culture rot and attacks on our freedoms I have been noticing over the years are part of a well-conceived master plan to take down America.

Yes, we who love God and country are still a majority. However, Mosca's theory is that domination of society can be achieved by an organized minority over a disorganized majority. Also, the America-hating left controls our schools -- kindergarten through college; mainstream media; Hollywood; TV; and, horrifyingly, the White House.

The situation looks very depressing and hopeless.

But then I saw a book by one of the authors on our Tea Party Express tour, titled What Can One Man Do? by Joseph Spencer. Spencer's book title sparked me to think of historical incidents which confirm the awesome power of one person.

One evil woman, Madalyn Murray O' Hair, successfully had prayer removed from America's public schools. Prayer has been replaced with metal detectors, nurseries for the babies of the students, and abortion services without parental consent.

One man with a "foolish" dream, Sam Walton, founded Walmart, which revolutionized marketing. Walton's Walmart blesses shoppers with an average of 17% annual savings on groceries.

Two examples of the "power of one." One evil. One good.Scissors-32x32.png

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