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President Loki Demands Glory And World Free From Freedom


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president-loki-demands-glory-and-world-free-from-freedom.htmInvestors Business Daily:

As much as most in Hollywood bow, kneel and even weep in joy before their Messiah Barack Obama, they're not doing him any favors of late with the release and massive viewing of, first, "The Hunger Games" and, now, "The Avengers."

In "The Hunger Games," the young heroes of the film were literally trying to survive the big-government, nanny-state-ordered "death panel" competition created to thin out the freedom-seeking herd of human sheep who foolishly thought their destiny should be in their hands and not that of the government.

At one point as they televise the games into a huge theatre of wealthy and protected government supporters, it's impossible not to see the vacuous and superficial faces as a collection of every single demographic group that blindly supports Barack Obama.

While comical, it's also more than frightening in its reality.

As bad as "The Hunger Games" is for Obama's "I'm better than you, so I will think for you" big-government image, "The Avengers" is worse. Much worse.

The basic plot of "The Avengers" is that the freedom-defending superheroes have united to try to stop the totalitarian, big-government-loving Loki from subjugating all of humankind.

Like Obama, the despot-wannabe Loki is fond of giving speeches. Also like President Obama, he picks Germany to wax Marxist.

After terrifying and then herding hundreds of theater-goers into a public square, Loki demands that they kneel before him. When they do, he proceeds to give what will become the most quoted political speech of 2012 — precisely because it so eerily echoes the words and theology of the president and his mentor Saul Alinsky.


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