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Mitt Romney Will Do Just Fine, Thank-You


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mitt_romney_will_do_just_fine_thank-you.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The upcoming election will be one of the simplest of our lifetimes. It is defined by one axiom: Obama must be defeated.

I'm not one of that crew, sincere but overwrought, who see Barack Obama as some kind of period to the American story, as a native Anti-Christ by way of Alinsky and Ayers. He cannot ruin the United States. He does not have power. I believe with Adam Smith that there is a lot of ruin in a country to begin with, and regarding America, much more than any other. A dozen or two dozen Obamas working for a century or more might be able to put the U.S. to sleep, but a single community organizer? The claim defines absurdity. I am just old enough to recall Vietnam and the '60s riots; I grew up amid the '70s Stagflation. I lived under Carter and the menace of a resurgent Soviet Union. I was working five blocks away from the WTC in September 2001. I have seen real threats to my country. Obama is very much a benchwarmer in that category.

Which does not mean that he can be allowed to continue. He has done real damage, and he must be prevented from doing any more. Americans by the millions have suffered because of his actions. There exists in America today greater poverty, humiliation, and despair than would have occurred otherwise. Obama is now toying, in his response to the Trayvon matter, with mass racial confrontation. He has to go.

So the axiom is: Obama must be defeated. That is the primary aim, beside which anything else fades into nullity, including opening up a moonbase and ridding the world of the menace of contraception. While these might be worthy endeavors, they need to be put aside for the moment, along with many others.

Until now, conservatives have been acting as idealists, in search of the ideal candidate, one who lives up to certain specific criteria. There is nothing wrong with this -- up to a point. Idealism ruled the entire primary process as it ran through a number of deeply attractive but seriously flawed candidates. Each of these was taken, for a time at least, as the perfect conservative candidate. This is understandable when it involves such figures as Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry, who have done splendid things and will continue to do so. But in the end the process distorted itself to the point where it anointed individuals such as Rick Santorum, a hysteric, and Newt Gingrich, who looks more and more like a flake as time goes by.Scissors-32x32.png

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if he is elected (and I hope he is of course over O) I think he will do much better than the naysayers warn.


At least we have someone who loves our country & has some good business sense for our economy.


Now if the digbats who are so conservatively pure can see fit to vote for someone who isn't their perfect candidate.. It scares me that people will NOT vote for presidential candidate of GOP or write in Sarah or in some other way "vote" to in reality give support to O & help re-elect him. Do these people NOT see this or do they just not give a damn?

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What a great article. It perfectly sums up why I was, and am a Romney supporter. He was not my first choice if I could choose from anyone in the world but he was the only choice in this field IMO. He is going to need his strategic instincts to get dine what needs to be done.

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@nickydog and @Ghost you are both so right on.

The idiots (and sorry that is what they are) who either write in a name or sit out the vote on "principle" or vote a 3rd party Paul at this most crucial of all elections can very easily give us 4 more years of o.

The country will never recover when he and his minions have their full no holds barred way.

Look at how far the lefty, socialist/nanny government attitude has already brainwashed about half our land.

Witness France at this very moment.

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What a great article. It perfectly sums up why I was, and am a Romney supporter. He was not my first choice if I could choose from anyone in the world but he was the only choice in this field IMO. He is going to need his strategic instincts to get dine what needs to be done.

I've spent several hours in the same room with Romney from Americans for Prosperity to a local tea party event here in MI recently.


He's intrepid. Calculating. Patience.


Might not be Reagan but he can defeat The Won.

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GrumbleGrumbleRomneyisUnimpres.... er, Romney Is Sorta Okay

Quin Hillyer



As is often the case, Bill Kristol has some words to the wise. Remember that Kristol was one of the earliest advocates of, and perhaps the last to give up on, the idea of drafting somebody good, just about anybody good, into the presidential race who would be a better conservative reformer and stronger candidate than Mitt Romney. Still, Kristol has his eye on political reality:




But doesn't Kristol know how difficult it will be for conservatives? Of course he does. He was never of the Romney camp. But he does offer some reason for optimism, based on the example of... well, apparently strangely, of FDR. But Kristol may be right on that count. Read it yourself by clicking through the link above. Still, I say: "Grumble." "Grumble." "Dadblast it, grumble!" At my most enthusiastic, I can muster only about one and three-quarter cheers for the apparent Republican nominee. Then again, I can muster precisely zero cheers for the man Occupying the Oval Office. Regarding both cheers and action, conservatives would be wise to consider that math.




Listen I hope and pray I am wrong and Mitt A. Wins B. governs like the love child of Calvin Coolidge & Clair Booth Luce. But I don't think I am, and I can't shake this bad feeling I've got.

I hate being the turd in the punchbowl...but....



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What a great article. It perfectly sums up why I was, and am a Romney supporter. He was not my first choice if I could choose from anyone in the world but he was the only choice in this field IMO. He is going to need his strategic instincts to get dine what needs to be done.

I've spent several hours in the same room with Romney from Americans for Prosperity to a local tea party event here in MI recently.


He's intrepid. Calculating. Patience.


Might not be Reagan but he can defeat The Won.


That's my impression as well. If it's not, I'll be eating some crow, beautifully presented by @Valin.


I think the key thing with Mitt is the same thing that was important with President Bush...watch less of what he says, and more of what he is doing when it comes to campaigning. But what he says he means, when it comes to governing.

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Listen I hope and pray I am wrong and Mitt A. Wins B. governs like the love child of Calvin Coolidge & Clair Booth Luce. But I don't think I am, and I can't shake this bad feeling I've got.

I hate being the turd in the punchbowl...but....


If you are right and I am wrong...you're going to be serving up a lot of crow around here @Valin! I don't think Romney will be the second coming of conservatism by any stretch. But I think he can win and I think that he will govern much better than Obamas team. And for now, I'll take it.

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Listen I hope and pray I am wrong and Mitt A. Wins B. governs like the love child of Calvin Coolidge & Clair Booth Luce. But I don't think I am, and I can't shake this bad feeling I've got.

I hate being the turd in the punchbowl...but....


If you are right and I am wrong...you're going to be serving up a lot of crow around here @Valin! I don't think Romney will be the second coming of conservatism by any stretch. But I think he can win and I think that he will govern much better than Obamas team. And for now, I'll take it.


From your lips to Gods ear.


As for governing better than the Obama team...that depends on what you mean. Remember he has gotten pretty much everything he wanted, and does pretty much what he wants. So looking at it from the Left, he's done a damn fine job.


The question is....If "I'm not Obama" good enough? Good enough for most voters? Because I'm Not Obama is all I see on our side. I just don't see a whole lot of people shouting HOORAY MITTS THE ONE!!!


Trust me I really really really want to be wrong. I want Romney to win and be a great President...but.

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From your lips to Gods ear.


As for governing better than the Obama team...that depends on what you mean. Remember he has gotten pretty much everything he wanted, and does pretty much what he wants. So looking at it from the Left, he's done a damn fine job.


The question is....If "I'm not Obama" good enough? Good enough for most voters? Because I'm Not Obama is all I see on our side. I just don't see a whole lot of people shouting HOORAY MITTS THE ONE!!!


Trust me I really really really want to be wrong. I want Romney to win and be a great President...but.


Ah excellent point. Govern more conservatively than Obama. Honestly, it won't be that hard to do. laugh.png


And hang on to that "but"...you may be right. But I'm not going to think about that until it happens. I'm going to do as much as I can to make sure it doesn't. And then, it's in God's hands.


Edited to add: I can not remember a single election in my lifetime when "I'm not so and so..." wasn't the rational for electing someone. I heard that constantly going back to Nixon, remember it with Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush. The thing that I see as a problem is if we start hearing that "at least Obama is not Romney." THEN we're in real trouble.


We heard that in 2004 with the Bush/Kerry constest and in 1996 with the Clinton/Dole contest. If we hit that point here, I'll change my tune.

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