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Ariz. congressman wants to disconnect $1 billion free cell phone program


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ariz-congressman-wants-to-disconnect-1-billion-free-cell-phone-programDaily Caller:

No one likes paying cell phone bills. What if you could get a free phone with a calling plan whose cost was paid by the federal government? What if you could have eight free cell phones? You can, and people do, Rep. Tim Griffin told The Daily Caller. The annual bill runs over $1 billion, and he’s trying to stop it.

The federal government started the Lifeline program to provide phones to low-income Americans. It originally provided only landlines, but cell phones were added several years ago.

“That’s when the program absolutely exploded and has become a nightmare,” Griffin said in a phone interview with TheDC. Calling it “Uncle Sam’s unlimited plan,” the Arkansas Republican has proposed a bill that would scale back the program to its original form: landlines only.

“People are not only getting [one free cell phone], they’re getting multiples. There are reports of people getting 10, 20, 30 — just routinely getting more than one, selling them, storing them up, whatever,” Griffin said.

“And they’re not just phones that are able to dial 911. They’re smartphones. They’re the type of phones that you and I pay hundreds of dollars a month to have contracts for.”

Griffin said his constituents have told him about people abusing the government benefit.

“I had someone call me this morning telling me they had somebody who would only work a certain number of hours a week because if they worked too many hours a week then they couldn’t get their government assistance. And that person has multiple cell phones, and gets them new every month with new minutes,” he said, sounding outraged.Scissors-32x32.png

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I have heard a lot about this program. Does the phone include the monthly service? Know it is high. I am fortunate that my iPhone coverage is via my brother & his family plan so don't know the exact numbers. But I have unlimited phone/text/full internet/Aps and of course phone


I am not against giving help to people in need for their NEEDS - if in fact they are not just con artists & takers in general. I somehow don't see a cell phone or computer as a need.. a nicety.. but not need.

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