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Elizabeth Warren's Whiter Shade of Pale


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elizabeth_warrens_whiter_shade_of_pale.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The seediness of Elizabeth Warren's claim to be Native American naturally follows from the lockstep leftist demand for "social justice." The term, in fact, means the opposite of what it purports to: social justice means simply injustice, just like politically correct science is really anti-science. It has been used by some of the creepiest characters in American politics, like Father Coughlin.

The reason this nonsense persists is because it is, like nearly everything that the left touches, a racket. It provides payoffs for those types who play along: the brutal cadre; the union thug; the political boss; or, in Warren's case, the academic dilettante.

Social justice requires treating people the same way in which bureaucrats treat regulations. Most people resent this dehumanization. Even Americans who have been genuine victims of bigotry prefer to retain their individuality and take pride in true accomplishments made on merit alone. No Jews, no Greeks, no Irish, no Armenians, and no Japanese pound at the door of colleges or corporations demanding that their group be represented in numbers equal to their percentage of the population.

Which group of Americans has historically suffered the most vicious persecution on account of their creed? The Mormons can probably make that claim. They were driven from one part of America to another until they finally found Utah, where they could live in peace. Mitt Romney is not laying a claim to the presidency based upon some version of social justice (nor did Jon Huntsman make that claim when he was running for the Republican nomination, or for that matter, Mitt's father George).

Catholics were persecuted throughout America and were special targets of the Ku Klux Klan. A Catholic has won precisely one presidential election in American history, when John Kennedy won 52 years ago. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both Catholics, yet neither has demanded that a Catholic ought to be the next president. These Republicans do take licks because of their creed, but they simply ignore the weak and clammy hand of old bigotries.Scissors-32x32.png

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America has been a melting pot of sorts for a very long time. Blending in and being AMERICAN is worthy. But also is the desire to maintain ties with ones cultural and ethnic past. Here in NE Ohio we have so many groups that are powerful with their festivals, pride, parades. The Italian, Polish, Mexican, German, Irish. They don't try to belittle their American connection just not forget or diminish their familial national heritage . We are not near any Indian reservations but I have noted that most of them are showing their pride in casinos & cheap gas prices!!!


Claiming one's pride and demanding something for it are two different things. The black pride and gay pride are two groups I don't respect. What if we tried White Pride? yeah, sure that would go over really well, wouldn't it.

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@Ghost. America was once an 'organized' melting pot. The immigration plan was to make it balanced and there were quotas from each country. People coming here had a sponsor that either supported them till they got on their feet or saw that they had a job, it was not all willy nilly like it is now. The balance of some ethicnicities over others is way out of whack. We are no longer a melting pot, but a catch all.

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