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Dick Lugar defers on whether Tea Party good for GOP … until he finds out if he wins primary


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dick-lugar-defers-on-whether-tea-party-good-for-gop-until-he-finds-out-if-he-wins-primaryLegal Insurrection: William A. Jacobson

April 25, 2012


I realize that all politicians are narcissists to an extent, but judging the value of a political movement on whether it helps you or not seems a bit, shall we say, self-centered.


In one of the more curious comments so far in the challenge by Richard Mourdock to Dick Lugar, Lugar said that he could not say whether the Tea Party movement was good for the GOP until after he knew the results of the May 8 primary.


As reported by The Weekly Standard:


THE WEEKLY STANDARD: Do you think the movement has been a positive for the Republican party?


LUGAR: I’ll wait until—[pause]


TWS: Until you’ve won your primary?


LUGAR: Until I see how things are going.




Smooth Move Dick....Real Smooth!

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