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Issa: Bribery charges in GSA scandal could be forthcoming ‘in a matter of days’


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223485-issa-bribery-charges-in-gsa-scandal-could-be-forthcoming-in-a-matter-of-daysThe Hill:

Jonathan Easley



House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said criminal charges, including bribery and misuse of federal credit cards, could be forthcoming in the scandal that has roiled the General Services Administration.


“The inspector general, Brian Miller has a referral under way and a number of the areas include misuse of GSA credit cards and allegations of bribery,” Issa said on CNN’s "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."


Issa said the bribery charges would be related to no-bid contracts given to friends or relatives of agency officials and could be coming “in a matter of days if it hasn’t happened already.”





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