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'Global warming? What global warming?' says High Priest of Gaia Religion


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global-warming-what-global-warming-says-high-priest-of-gaia-religionThe Telegraph:

James Delingpole

April 24th, 2012


"Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth", saith the Bible.


So let joy be unconfined that one of the archest of the world's arch Greenies – James Lovelock, inventor of the Gaia hypothesis and therefore, more or less, founder of the world's most powerful modern religion – has come clean and admitted that he got it wrong in his doomsday predictions about "Climate Change."




Presumably, Professor Lovelock will now be donating all his royalties from his earlier alarmist bestsellers to help fund those proper, principled, decent scientists around the world – Fred Singer, Richard Lindzen, Bob Carter, Ian Plimer, Tim Ball et al – whose careers have been blighted and whose lives have been made misery for having said precisely what Lovelock is now admitting, only much, much earlier. And then, perhaps, using his cachet among his greenie co-religionists to make amends for his sins by calling for the abolition of the IPCC.






(Note the song is performed by White Comedian Paul Shanklin)

No fuzzy little bunnys or 1,000lb omnivores were harmed in the making of this post.

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