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Sebelius: Thanks to Obamacare, Law Student Can 'Devote Her Career' to Social Justice


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Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said on Thursday that Obamacare had made it possible for a 25-year-old law student to devote her career to working on social justice issues instead of working for a big law firm.

At Rev. Al Sharpton’s 14th annual NAN conference, Sebelius touted the Administration’s health care overhaul, which she also said was responsible for helping close racial and ethnic health gaps in the country.

“Because of the steps we’ve taken there are 410,000 African American young adults across the country who were uninsured but now have insurance coverage under their parents’ health plan, thanks to the new law,” Sebelius said.

“Now one of them was with me in Miami a couple of weeks ago a 25-year-old law student named Ashley,” she said, highlighting the student as a success story for the Affordable Care Act’s policy that allows children to stay on their parents’ health care plans until they are 26.

“Now Ashley is one of those young people who make you have renewed faith in the future of this country,” Sebelius continued. “She’s bright. She’s dedicated. She is working on her law degree.”

“She wants to devote her career to working on social justice issues, which is why she’s going to law school,” she said. “And she can go ahead and pursue that dream now because she no longer has to worry about getting health coverage.Scissors-32x32.png

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