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Obama's America: Why Black Grievance Will Never End


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American Thinker

April 11, 2012

Obama's America: Why Black Grievance Will Never End



Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz1rmZcge00

BySelwyn Duke

When I was 12 years old, I used to play tennis at a certain public park in the Bronx. One day it got back to me that a black fellow at the courts, whose naObama's America: Why Black Grievance Will Never End


Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz1rmZcge00me I forget, said, "Selwyn doesn't like black people." This raised my eyebrows. You see, I had never really thought about the man one way or the other. And what occupied my mind were forehands, backhands, topspin, and volleys, not race. So the only thing I could figure was that I was probably in a funk one day and didn't hear and acknowledge a greeting he might have extended.

Whatever the perceived slight, race was a factor. After all, imagine the reaction if he had been white. At worst, he might have thought, "Selwyn is a self-absorbed brat," which would have been closer to the truth. Or he might just have concluded that I was having a bad day (I was an aspiring player at the time but, lamentably, had a lot of bad days). Instead, he saw bad intentions where none existed.

Of course, any time someone noticeably different from us appears to slight us, it's natural to wonder if it may be because of those differences. But when you consider what many black Americans believe, it's clear that something else is afoot. Just consider, for instance, that when Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright accused white people of "inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color," he was not expressing a new belief in the black



Read more: http://www.americant...l#ixzz1rmY2UWNt

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The Democrat/Progressive agenda, is to keep the "reparations" meme in front of everything they do & say.


Poor, black Africans, enslaved to rich, white Americans......drug in chains to a new world & mistreated for centuries. For this to work, a person must have "white mans guilt" and if white American's don't.....then, Oblamer & Progs will legislate it, or use an executive order, because......they can't wait. Pigford "settlements", record EBT use, delegate & voter fraud, and the notion @ the Department of Injustice, that "people of color" cannot have prejudice.


It's not a reckoning....it's a vengeful chastisement, for the slavery sins of our "white" fathers. Sins that few of the black community experienced.....as their fathers.


Examine what the injustice of 18th century slavery has wrought for the descendents of slaves. If they had been sent back to Africa, instead of being emancipated & made a part of America.....would their lot in life be better? Did not almost all immigrants of any color struggle & die....and find prejudice, before they found success? Ask the Irish, the Polish, the Chinese.


I refuse to prejudge a man, but I'm more than tired of being told that I must pay more & lose my freedoms....so that already enfranchised "people of color" may feel better about themselves.


Example here:


Man Charged With Dealing Heroin in a School Zone Very Nearly Bails Himself Out With an EBT Welfare Card





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"Obama's America"


Look...IT's NOT HIS FAULT!!!

He wasn't born here.

He wasn't raised here.

He didn't go to school here. All his formative years of schooling were in a madrasah.

He doesn't share the same values that Americans do.

He went to a church where his mentor's most memorable words were "god damn America"

So, is it any wonder that he has taken this great nation to the brink of disaster.

There is a reason the Constitution says that the president has to be a natural born citizen....

you see what happens when that rule is violated.

He is what he is.

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