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Republicans Join Democrats Supporting Colossal Tax Increase


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republicans-join-democrats-supporting-colossal-tax-increaseThe Patriot Post:




Republicans Join Democrats Supporting Colossal Tax Increase


By Mark Alexander · Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lamar Alexander and Dick Durbin, the Tax Tag Team


"Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretenses for revenues and taxation. It watches prosperity as its prey and permits none to escape without tribute." --Thomas Paine (Rights of Man, 1791)


Under cover of the Republican Presidential Primary debates about how to defeat Barack Hussein Obama's socialist agenda and his plan to fund the final chapter of that agenda with enormous tax increases, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN, no relation!) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) have teamed up to promote one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history -- a heavy levy on all Internet sales.

The so-called "Marketplace Fairness Act" S. 1832 was first proposed in November 2011 by Sen. Michael Enzi (R-WY), and now awaits action in the Committee on Finance. (And you thought all that "fairness" rhetoric was limited to leftists promoting Democratic Socialism.)

Some otherwise erudite conservative senators, such as my friend Bob Corker, have joined Alexander in this errant folly. They are backing the Republican version of the legislation because it is allegedly better than the Democrat version. For the record, I do not consider that to be a legitimate selling point.

Before explaining this enormous tax increase Scissors-32x32.png



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Bill will help local merchants compete with online retailers


Our jewelry business has been serving Mansfield for over 80 years and there has never been an issue that threatens Main Street America more than the tax exemption Internet-only retailers have. Their exemption from collecting sales tax is a job-killing, revenue-reducing and all around bad thing for our community and Ohio.


The Marketplace Fairness Act, which is sitting in Congress, will require those online-only retailers to begin collecting sales tax. Just like every business in Ohio already does.


Supporting this bill will help local merchants be more competitive.


Jeff Haring


Mansfield Ohio




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Hot Air: Will the internet doom an economic recovery?

posted at 2:32 pm on March 2, 2012 by Jazz Shaw


What is the greatest danger to any possible, sustained economic recovery? Obama’s regulatory policies? Unrest in the global energy market? Increased taxes squelching productivity and investment? How about…the internet.




This is one aspect which I hadn’t considered earlier regarding the Marketplace Fairness Act. Apparently, given the SCOTUS ruling in question, there are already some states which are collecting taxes from online retailers (in states where they have a physical, brick and mortar presence) but others which can not. That type of imbalance, if it gets to a significant level, could begin spurring population creep between states.


I’m still on the fence about this legislation. Let’s collect some other opinions and data on it here.

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Their exemption from collecting sales tax is a job-killing, revenue-reducing and all around bad thing for our community and Ohio.


Spoken like someone that doesn't have a "web-presence" or can't be bothered with a new medium for advertising. I enjoy the fact that I can buy "Israeli-T's" from freaking Israel........$3.00 books from Amazon "Prime" from pretty much anywhere nation-wide. I can see his point, but it's just a whine for more government in our lives & a "tax" that never goes away.


Get a web-site & promote your local biz....who knows, you could be selling your "local" stuff to the 7 continents....and we won't have the eternal tax burden. Don't ask us to support you.....because you don't like the competition.

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Their exemption from collecting sales tax is a job-killing, revenue-reducing and all around bad thing for our community and Ohio.


Spoken like someone that doesn't have a "web-presence" or can't be bothered with a new medium for advertising. I enjoy the fact that I can buy "Israeli-T's" from freaking Israel........$3.00 books from Amazon "Prime" from pretty much anywhere nation-wide. I can see his point, but it's just a whine for more government in our lives & a "tax" that never goes away.


Get a web-site & promote your local biz....who knows, you could be selling your "local" stuff to the 7 continents....and we won't have the eternal tax burden. Don't ask us to support you.....because you don't like the competition.

Their exemption from collecting sales tax is a job-killing, revenue-reducing and all around bad thing for our community and Ohio.


Spoken like someone that doesn't have a "web-presence" or can't be bothered with a new medium for advertising. I enjoy the fact that I can buy "Israeli-T's" from freaking Israel........$3.00 books from Amazon "Prime" from pretty much anywhere nation-wide. I can see his point, but it's just a whine for more government in our lives & a "tax" that never goes away.


Get a web-site & promote your local biz....who knows, you could be selling your "local" stuff to the 7 continents....and we won't have the eternal tax burden. Don't ask us to support you.....because you don't like the competition.


State governments have for a long time been trying to get their hands on the tax money they are losing by people buying items on the net.


There is also the problem you point out of buying items off shore. US law pretty much stops 12 miles offshore.

The thing so many of our law makers don't really understand is their are no borders on the net. Time doesn't matter (the internet never forgets), neither does space.




Gary Hart (not my favorite Pol) said in a Youtube on Machiavelli" The Prince "We are on the cusp of history." And he was right. My Grand mother was born in 1872 (died 1958) when she was born the way most people lived had not really changed in 1,000 years (living on small farm), when she died, we were at the start of the change, and today...?



This is one of the reasons I support Newt Gingrich. He is the only candidate who is talking about this change we are in the middle of....and the tidal wave coming...soon.

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This.........could well be the only intelligent thing Gary Hart has heaved up, in his entire life. I'm not calling him Democrat stupid, he's just very unlucky where intelligence & logic are concerned. He might have been behind & hidden by a post, when God gave them out......ergo the post, is more intelligent! [ Insert blind squirrel/acorn or stopped clock analogy here ]


Gary Hart (not my favorite Pol) said in a Youtube on Machiavelli" The Prince "We are on the cusp of history."


Yes, state governments can be like parasites devouring a host. In the case of Colorado, when the new lottery/gambling bill passed....it was written into the bill that all state profit monies would go towards open space, green belts & primarily parks & recreation. Salivating over the growing pot of money, but unable by statute to touch it......they stopped funding parks, recreation, green belts & open spaces.


This crap is killing the goose. No more eggs....and soon, after a nice goose dinner........

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One of the things that IMO is happening is the end of the state as we have known it for the last 100 years is coming to an end. It has gotten so large intrusive cumbersome and expensive that it will collapse under it's own weight.

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