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The Constitution According to Kos,


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Dunce_cap02-197x300.pngThe Sundries Shack:

The Constitution According to Kos, or How Conservatives are Like Earworms


Jimmie | March 7, 2012 | Comments (6)

What it is with progressives and the Constitution? I don’t mean the usual progressive problem with the supreme law of our land, namely that it doesn’t let them render Republicans into a bland but nutritious gruel with which to feed the unwashed masses who will live in their Shining Utopia. I mean the problem with those tricky little black marks on the page that we call words.


Remember this little bon mot from Washington Post super-columnist and MS-NBC hired gum-flapper Ezra Klein not a few months ago? He was positively flummoxed that people could actually understand the words of the Constitution because they were written over a hundred years ago. Seriously. Hit the link and see for yourself. Despite that, the WaPo actually gave him his own staff of writers over which he exercises some level of control, possibly a level that ensures they only use language invented after 1913. I’m not quite sure how he found such a full stable of writers fluent in Esperanto, but it sure is a relief that he gets their newfangled language translated into English.


Tonight, another progressive has met the Constitution and been found baffled. Markos Moulitsas, better known at Kos, is what you might call a kingmaker in Democratic circles. Well, you might call him that if he had any great success with winning candidates. He has, however, written a book or three and did start the largest progressive-leaning website in the universe. His Netroots Nation convention draws the cream of the Democratic crop every year and it’s pretty much routine for would-be Democratic officeholders to pay obeisance to him.



H/T Phineas, of Sister Toldjah


Read the whole thing.

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