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Race for the White House 2012


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www.spiegel.deSpiegel Online INTERNATIONAL:


Quayle Redux


A Silent Romney Would Be a Better Romney



A Commentary by Gregor Peter Schmitz


Presidential candidate Mitt Romney may be the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, but he has developed a curious penchant for tripping over his own tongue. Particularly when talking about money, he has increasingly veered into Dan Quayle territory. His verbal slip-ups could ultimately doom his campaign.


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George Valentin, the main character in the Oscar-winning film "The Artist," has a charming smile, his dark hair is perfectly coiffed and his teeth are almost blinding in their whiteness. Valentin looks like a film star was supposed to look in the silent film era. But then came the talkies and Valentin was forced to speak. His acting career came to an abrupt end.


Mitt Romney is no film star. Rather, he will most likely be the Republican nominee for the most powerful political office in the world, particularly after his victories on Tuesday in the Michigan and Arizona primaries. But one can hardly watch "The Artist" without thinking of Romney.


He has the hair, the smile and the perfect teeth. He looks like a star; he looks like the perfect president.


But candidate Romney also has to talk, and that is a big part of his problem. He says things like "the trees" in Michigan "are the right height," in the apparent belief that such sentiments will inspire voters in the state. Instead, people just laugh at him, as evidenced by the extremely popular Romney parody aired by the liberal cable news channel MSNBC, which mashed up snippets from his campaign with scenes out of "The Artist."


The message is as clear as it is convincing: Despite holding pole position in the Republican race, there is not much to differentiate Republican nominee-in-spe Romney from the fallen film star Valentin. He would be a much better candidate if he didn't have to talk.


A Litany of Half-Baked Statements Scissors-32x32.png

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There is not a single Republican candidate that will not be positioned by the MSM and the entertainment establishment as a drooling dunce.

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